I Have two Acer Nitro VG270 (bmiix, UM.HV0EE.001) Hoocked up to Radeon R7 340 2Gb PCI EXPRESS CARD, which is installed on FUJITSU ESPRIMO D757, INTEL I5 7400 with 16 Gb DDR4 Memory.
Newest BIOS for Motherboard, Drivers for Radeon Graphics and ACER Monitor are installed, but no mather what I do, I can't setup to run my monitors with 75 Hz refresh rate!
I had same Monitors (with all the Cables and setup) on ESPRIMO D920 With I7 3770K and 8Gb DDR3 memory, only withouth extra Graphics card, directly output from motherboard on Intel CPU onboard GPU, and it was running 75Hz on both Monitors!
On recent setup I Try everything (I'm not a beginner and know a little about PC's and they Setups), but no mather what, there is no option to setup monitors at 75Hz.
What the heck?
I also do not have AMDFREESYNC available.....

Same message from me is here: