Long post but hopefully helpful for others…
When I dropped this 7900XT into my rig, after some hours of trial and error, I realized my riser cable was causing the card to run 40% at desktop before running any games. Drivers weren’t installing properly and crashed regularly. Even after using DDU to wipe old ones for my 6700XT. Power spikes, utilization issues, frequency problems, system restarts…I finally gave up after 6hrs of struggling and thought maybe a fresh install would solve some of my issues. So I begin prepped for Windows 11 install. Microsoft requires all secure boot settings enabled on the MB before being able to do a fresh install of Win11. PIA! Well I enabled the settings on my ASrock and noticed my resolution changed when posting. So I decided to jump into windows and just run some tests. Something just felt different…sure as sh1t no more crashes, spikes, temp issues, or black screens. Idk why this happened but it solved all my issues. Temps rarely hit 70. Im using the latest adrenaline drivers 12/20
Anyway…I’ve been throwing everything at my card all day and ZERO issues. I’ve been running stress tests and benchmarking all morning. Played God of War for a couple hours…I’m a happy customer right now. Complete opposite of yesterday.
This might not be the case for everyone but I wanted to share in case maybe it could help someone else not feel like they wasted their money. I’m happy I have a 2k BOSS in my system which also runs 4K well but not needed for my eyes. RT is solid at 2k with ultra settings now. I imagine things will continue to improve with more updates.
B550 ASRock
32gb Corsair
AMD Reference 7900XT
850watt PSU