I have been experiencing a number of CTDs lately especially in Total War Attila and Shogun2, the game produces no errors in the logs and even using a 32bit debugger shows no errors. As these games are now very old and have not received updates in many years.. I have been scratching my head looking for answers. There are no BSODs, no stutters or slowdowns, the games just crash to desktop with no warning or indication of a problem.

Of the roughly 300 hours you have seen on the Attila game, the last 20 have been miserable. I am forced to fight the same battles over and over again with *sometimes* it actually allowing the battle to end normally and go to the campaign screen, Some crashes occur when pressing the end-battle button, but most of them are after a couple of minutes in to a battle while panning the camera around. I have reinstalled the game, cleared the residual files, deleted all my mods, reinstalled my graphics drivers, updated CPU and mobo drivers, tried compatibility mode and running directly off the .exe file. Sometimes it looks like the solution was found but then it CTDs again and I die a little inside.
Please help