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PC Drivers & Software

WINDOWS UPDATE breaks all drivers on windows 10, ASUS ryzen 5000 series.

For the love of God, boys. Can you inform the MICROSOFT update drivers team, they are linking to ancient broken 2020 drivers for AMD ASUS Ryzen 5000 series. Everytime Windows updates, it constantly replaces All AMD drivers with broken ones, which cause pretty serious FREEZING/LOCK-UPS.

And yeah btw, it's impossible to turn off windows update drivers, group policy, the windows update settings, nothing works. You're gonna have to inform them, their updates are linking to broken old versions.

Alright, that's all I had to say. Should FIX ALOT of random freezes for ASUS gaming laptop users.




Windows loves to replace drivers with ancient broken 2020 onesWindows loves to replace drivers with ancient broken 2020 ones

3 Replies

1: Windows update *many posts on here* is breaking AMD drivers with older versions, causing instability/crashes...

2: Windows 11... favours intel chips,...and AMD chips are known/tested to perform slower...

Microsoft is clearly working closer with INTEL...let's hope AMD can get this sorted out....


Intel and Microsoft Intensify Partnership for a Renewed Windows 11 Experience (

AMD slowdown on Windows 11

AMD Releases Patch for Windows 11 Slowdown Bug With Ryzen Chips (





UPDATE : I've informed ASUS, AMD and talked to Microsoft support..AND informed various AMD/MICROSOFT higher ups on Twitter.

Let's see how long this takes, or if it EVER gets fixed... so lame's just a text file sitting in the windows update programmers hard-drive that needs a few lines replacing....


Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - SoftwareComponent - 27.2040.0.0 ------ SHOULD BE   ----- 30.0.13025.5005

Makes you want to give up on life, doesn't it




I had to disable updates otherwise it was always installed after pc shutdown