I'm running an LG 38GN950-B, It's an ultrawide monitor with a resolution of 3840x1600, With the 6950XT games run and look gorgeous but there are a few older titles I like to run beyond this resolution to help with aliasing, Pixel crawling etc... but for some reason AMD's driver doesn't have VSR support for this resolution.
To put this into perspective I have a little LAN rig with an Nvidia 2060 that I bought nearly 3 and a half years ago, I can plug that into my monitor, Use Nvidia's version of Virtual Super Resolution, Dynamic Super Resolution, And get all manner of resolutions to choose from beyond my monitors native res of 3840x1600... yet I can't with a brand new only 2 months since release 6950XT......
If anyone from the driver team reads this pretty please with little red AMD themed cherries on top add VSR support for this resolution.🙂