When I right click on my desktop, I can click on "AMD Radeon Software" and I get a message popup that says "The version of AMD Radeon Software you have launched is not compatible with your currently installed graphics driver. Please check your system for other version of Radeon Software that may currently be installed. A factory reset of your Radeon Software installation is recommended." I have done the factory reset, reinstalled and updated the driver, and then the software will work. When I turn off and turn back on my computer the next day, I get the same message. I do my best to keep my Laptop updated. I get my graphics drivers from the GeForce Experience App and before this issue, I would get my processor drivers from the implied AMD Radeon Software App Any help would be amazing. My current basic specs are NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 and an AMD Ryzen 9 4000 series processor.
I am experiencing the same issue except, it is with my new RX 6600 GPU.
I have updated all drivers, latest bios, and reinstalled the only AMD optional drivers(amd-radeon-rx-6600-adrenalin-21.10.2-oct12 ) and it works for the moment but once I shut down the computer and reboots, the software crashes and the error pops up.
Basic Specs: Gigabyte Aorus B550 Elite AX, AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT Processor 3.90.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps you should uninstall your radeon software and then run the auto detect tool.
Usually two possible causes, using insider/preview builds where the MS supplied driver is not compatible with RTM software version or windows update is overriding the optional driver with its UWD driver.
There are suggested fixes on the web to block windows driver updates.
An update to my previous post....Today I returned the GPU at Microcenter and exchanged it for a similar card. Installed it and everything is fine now. Just wanted to share this outcome.