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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Update new driver for my RX480

Hi all, please help me to solve this problem.

this version of my computer(now) this version of my computer(now)

when i reinstalled all driver in my PC,  i had installed success adrenalin version 20.12.1 (okey with 21.1.1-21.3.2)

try to install 21.6.1 try to install 21.6.1

but when I continue to install version 21.6.1, it took for a long time and then the error amdkmdag.sys appeared (happen same with 21.4.1-...). In last time i install this driver i remember i had install 21.6.1 success before next drivers.

that happen with my computer that happen with my computer

(this picture I copy on web but that happen with me too).

and then i tried to install in safe mode but this error appeared.

I try install in safe mode I try install in safe mode

I tried for all versions from 21.4.1 to 21.12.1 but it doesn't work at all (with 21.1.1-21.3.2 that okey but when i try next version that problem happen again).

all my folder driver all my folder driver

Pls give me some advices to solve this problem ! Thanks.

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