If you have too many apps that use hardware acceleration. This method may help you.
Disable Hardware Acceleration in Windows 10
The Hardware Acceleration tab in Windows allows you to specify the performance of the graphics hardware present on your PC. In Windows 10 right-click on the desktop, select Display settings.

The Display Settings will open. Scroll down a bit, and you will see Advanced display settings.

Click on Display adapter properties link.

This will open the Graphics Properties box. Now open the ‘Troubleshoot’ tab. If your current display driver does not allow you to change the settings, you will see the Change settings button grayed out, and you will not be able to change the settings. If you do not see this tab, update your graphics driver and see.

If your current display driver allows you to change the settings, you will be able to see the Change settings button. Click on it.

Now, the Display Adapter Troubleshooter will appear on your computer screen. Move the pointer to the extreme left to disable or reduce the hardware acceleration and click on OK. If you are having problems with your graphics hardware, these settings can help you troubleshoot display-related problems.

That’s it!
To disable or reduce Hardware Acceleration in Windows 8/7, first, right-click on the Desktop and from the context menu, choose the Personalization option.

Then, select Display from the left panel of the window and click on ‘Change display settings’.

Next, click on ‘Advanced settings’.

This will open your Monitor and Graphics Properties box. You can then follow the latter part of the instructions given above via its Troubleshoot tab.
This is how you can enable, disable, or change the level of hardware acceleration in Windows 10/8/7.
Disable hardware acceleration button greyed out
If you find that the option is grayed out, check if your hardware permits it and ensure that you have updated drivers. You may also see if DWORD DisableHWAcceleration exists in the following registry key and that it has a value 0.
If it does not exist, create a new DWORD DisableHWAcceleration. A value of 1 disables hardware acceleration. A value of 0 enables hardware acceleration, provided the system meets hardware acceleration requirements.
You can use the above Registry method to disable hardware acceleration in Windows 10.
The new settings could not be saved to registry

Download this Regfile if you don't can't find
Disable hardware acceleration for Avalon/WPF registry - RegFiles.net
and change
DisableHWAcceleration to 1
Hope it may help.