From one day to the next I had uncontrolled speed changes in the game and also in the desktop with driver 20.12.1 and MSI Afterburner. That only stopped when I switched the power from zero to minus in the Afterburner. Apparently this was related to a new update of the MSI graphics tool. Since I didn't want to keep this setting, I completely uninstalled everything. Then Adrenalin 20.12.1 completely installed and all games set to games, including global ones. My current Forza Horizon 5 now runs smoothly after the automatic update at 2560: 1440/165 Hz, I previously had a 1680: 1050/60 Hz screen. The speed and temperature are now normal again.
I didn't think that the adrenaline software would work so well, which was never the case when I tried it before. Otherwise, after a year, I am satisfied with the performance of my graphics card (429 euros) and the drivers, especially at the current prices that are comparable.