I tried avatar today with fsr3 + FG + vsync, iirc it was recommended to run vsync with FSR3. What is kind of weird though, if i enable vsync(driver level) which is what amd recommends to do with fsr3?(https://community.amd.com/t5/gaming/amd-fsr-3-now-available/ba-p/634265) its just bad - feels like 60fps gameplay with vsync on. so idk whats going on. i disabled every other thing i use and enabled only vsync. but instead it runs way smoother with my usual setup- radeon chill as frame limiter + enhanced sync - which is supposedly a terrible idea while running fs3, well its not. It is terrible when i enable vsync and disable everything else.
Hardware unboxed mentioned, that there is forced vsync in avatar, well its not, my fps can go well over 200 in some areas with lower settings and fsr3+FG on 180hz display.
I guess i will run my usual settings and dont even bother with vsync, dont see any negative effects while using enhanced sync with fs3 either. maybe it was an issue in forspoken or immortals of aveum, idk.
p.s. forgot to mention, is there a memory leak or its just me? restrating game ~ 15GB of Vram allocated, after playing 1h, 19,7GB. or this is one of the games that takes everything in terms of vram.