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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Smart Acces Memory

Tengo un ryzen 5600x,rx6700xt y una B550M , cuando intento activar el Smart Access Memory, no me deja salir de la bios y tengo que restaurar todas las configuraciones, para que me deje salir. 
Alguien sabe como arreglarlo 

14 Replies

You have the hardware requirements for SAM but do you have the software requirements:

Screenshot 2021-08-19 104255.png


Si, tengo todo 
Es lo que no entiendo


What is the Make & Model of your Motherboard?

I  suggest you open a Support ticket with your motherboard manufacturer and see if they believe it is an issue with the motherboard or GPU card.

Seems like when you enable SAM in BIOS and BIOS starts checking the GPU card with SAM enabled it sees something wrong and restarts BIOS

Are you able to install the GPU card in another compatible computer and see if it does the same thing?

It sounds like a hardware or possibly a BIOS Setting issue. Either a defective Motherboard or BIOS Setting or GPU card.

EDIT: I am not really familiar with the SAM feature so maybe someone else can help you with your problem. But in my opinion it seems to be what I mentioned above though.

@Splinderana do you get a black screen with SAM enabled when you try to boot?

You need to have your boot drives in GPT format and need to have CSM or legacy mode disabled.

This should really be listed on the requirements but it's not, they shouldn't assume people are only completely new builds but they did.

check out


No, no me sucede eso
Simplemente no me deja salir de la BIOS
Cree que sea el mismo problema?


If you don't have a GPT file partition and CMS/Legacy boot disabled then most definitely it's the same issue.

It would be smart for the BIOS not to let you save settings, because if you could save your GFX card wouldn't work again until you clear your CMOS.

I don't know if your BIOS is protecting you and being smarter than mine or not but it seems possible.

What is your CMS/Legacy boot set to?


@Splinderanadid you manage to fix it?


Aun no he podido arreglarlo 
Es que no he podido hacer lo que dijiste porque no se como hacerlo :c
Voy a investigar como hacerlo 
Mañana voy a intentar 

@Splinderana This is an ENGLISH language only forum. Please take the time to translate your post before submitting it. 




English Only is a Rule of AMD Forums as the Moderator of AMD Forums mentioned.

I have an Browser extension that automatically translates the entire webpage into English. So many times I don't even realize that I am answering a question in a foreign language.

I always answer in English to a Foreign made post. So it is very easy to translate your post or replies into English.

@Splinderana What is your CMS/Legacy boot set to?



Tengo buenas y malas hahaha 
En bios ya tengo activado y ya me dejo salir de la bios poniendo en modo legacy 
Pero sigue sin dejarme activarlo en el programa de Radeon 
Tienes alguna otra idea 


@Splinderana sorry but it might be that something is lost in translation. When I use Google translate it seems like you have legacy mode enabled, am I reading this correct?

It will not work with legacy mode enabled at all.

It also sounded like you needed to have legacy mode enabled to be able to boot, which if this is the case then you're most likely on an MBR file system and not a GPT one. You'll need to determine if your HDD is in the MBR or GPT format.

Is your HDD MBR or GPT?

I'm not sure what you mean by enabling it in Radeon software, as you just enable it in BIOS. There didn't used to be any options for it in Radeon software as far as I know.