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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Should I install CPU and GPU drivers separately?

Hi! I was wondering if i should install cpu and gpu drivers separately.

my CPU is a AMD A4-6300 APU with Radeon HD Graphics.   3.70GHz

and my GPU is Radeon Sapphire R7 350 Series. 

I only manually installed the GPU drivers from the AMD page.

Also there was a time were i could play at 60 fps some games but now almost every game is literally unplayable. (-30 fps with lows almost every 10 seconds).


Thanks in advance :))

3 Replies

If the APU Driver is compatible with your GPU Card then you all you need to do is install one AMD Driver for both.

The last supported APU driver for your A4-6300 with HD8370D is from 2015 and 2016:

This is for the AMD Driver from 2016 BETA:

Screenshot 2021-12-09 155937.png

Seems like the R7-350 is a rebrand of a R7-250 . The compatibility list doesn't show any R7 200 or 300 GPU cards.

Also I found out that the R7 250X is a rebrand of the HD7770 GPU card which shows not to be compatible in the image above.

Screenshot 2021-12-11 213411.png

But your R7-350 has much newer last supported AMD driver from 06/21/2021:

Screenshot 2021-12-11 214413.png

But, I don't believe that the R7 350 last supported driver is compatible with your APU HD8370D Integrated Graphics.

So you would need to disable your Integrated Graphics in BIOS Settings and just use your R7 350 GPU card with the 06/2021 Graphics Driver.

You can't install 2 incompatible AMD drivers on the same PC. There will be a conflict when trying to install both on the same computer.

There might be a method to do it which I have read for laptops with the same situation as you. You can try and google it or try to find the threads here at AMD Forums.

Best is to just disable your APU integrated Graphics and install the newer 06/2021 AMD Graphics. If the game or games requires newer driver than 06/21/2021 then you will need to upgrade your GPU card to one that is still supported by AMD.

I don't know if  Windows Update will install a compatible APU Driver after it is deleted after installing the 06/21/2021 driver.

You can try and see if that works that way. Or use Device Manager to install manually a compatible AMD driver from Windows for your legacy APU integrated Graphics.

Not sure if the above will work while having the newer AMD  driver installed.

That information is all very useful 🙂 Thank you for that! But my pc already uses the GPU(R7 350) and not the integrated from the CPU so disabling it in the bios would change nothing i suppose. My pc it's supposed to run Valorant  well but it's literally unplayable with less than 30 fps. Could be the disk that sometimes jump to 100%? I'll reinstall the drivers again but this time selecting the cpu ones, i don't think it's gonna work bc it will ask me for the gpu ones so it can work.

 Sorry for the late reply btw, and again, thank you so much! I'll update what happens