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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Shader/lag issue with Adrenalin 22.7.1 drivers?

I'm running a Ryzen 3 3200G with Vega Gfx 8 on Win10 21H2 (no dedicated GPU, I just use my Ryzen). I was on the 22.6.X driver, and everything was working fine. Updated to 22.7.1 yesterday and noticed several games (that I already had and played before just fine) now sporting intense lag or not starting at all. Some examples:

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition, while running in Fullscreen, as soon as you enter any wide area, EDEN server area, or enter combat just lags intermittently. Character and NPCs just walk like they're dragging in mud. It feels like the game is trying to load assets, then restores regular speed for a moment only to lag again as soon as you pop up the menu or do something different. I thought "maybe if I run around enough this'll all load and stay fast" but it keeps doing it no matter how long I run around, the areas and characters never fully stabilize. The AMD performance however doesn't report a drop in fps while running. However x2, the game also runs normally while windowed (but window is locked on 720p).

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered: Doesn't even start past the launcher, gives me an "unable to load shaders" error.

Some other games, like FromSoft stuff (Dark Souls III, DS1 Remastered, even Elden Ring) ran fine though. They just did the regular shader/asset loading that happens after updating drivers and then were stable all around. Skyrim SE (with mods) also ran fine.

I honestly dunno what's going on with 22.7.1 and this weird spectrum of functionality I'm getting here. Tried some tweaking and solving on my own and then just had enough of it and rolled back to 22.5.X (can't find the 22.6.1 anymore 😐 ). Tried all the problematic games again just to make sure and they run fine now, just as before updating. Curses dedicated towards AMD's 22.7.1 driver launch were and will be performed. Hope they fix this by the next recommended update. God knows I'll only update into stable releases from now on. Had enough of this "Optional" nonsense.

4 Replies
Journeyman III

Can confirm. Heavy lags and stutters of the whole system while using hardware acceleartion (chrome, obs, vlc)

Adept I

Same for me with rx 6600 gpu. luckly you have probs too just because otherwise i would waste hours changing settings everywhere which wouldnt change anything. Hope we all get happy soon 😉

Adept III


Agree something bad with this one ! Tried it 30 min and then reverted to 22.6.1 and that one works perfect in all games. Think you should only use WHQL drivers and not optional without this label. Recommended is 22.5.1 and after that we have 2 WHQL drivers to use 22.5.2 and 22.6.1. All of the 3 latest WHQL drivers work perfect here and last 2 of them have big improvement in dx11.

Revert to 22.6.1 and you will be happy again.

Not applicable

You may need to try fullscreen exclusive mode 120hz capped or 60hz capped to your refresh rate even with vulkan.

especially with vulkan. 

you should also ensure you have insalled the proper vulkan and reinstall your display driver in device manager manually from where it unpacks with AMD adrenaline installer.