I recently installed Halo Infinite Multiplayer and noticed unusual long loading times compared to a friend of mine.
After long testing we realized it had to do with the shader caching of AMD.
The game was installed on my E:/ drive, a 1tb SSD. Since the game uses DX12 the shaders have to be compiled and dont get shipped with the game, as it is the case with older DX9 games. While the game loads I noticed ~100% CPU utilization for ~50sec.
Every time the game was started it had this unusual long loading times, thus we came to the conslusion it probably was related to shader caching.
From an older post on a Destiny 2 forum I found the tip of installing the game on the C:/ drive to fix the shader caching.
After I did this, the loading times were instant, the game didnt even show any loading screens for me. And also my ingame performance went up from ~80FPS to ~110FPS (although this doesent make any sense to me).
Conclusion: It seems that the shader caching is only available/working correctly for games installed on the C:/ drive!
AMD, please fix.