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PC Drivers & Software

Adept III

Serious Region Bug regarding AMD Chipset drivers and Ryzen Master

So I've been on the X570 platform since it's inception. I first had a 3700x and now I've upgraded to a 5950x. My single biggest issue was being completely unable to install new chipset drivers and/or Ryzen master FOR YEARS. Basically  never successful and I blamed it on Armoury Crate (ASUS motherboard bloatware) but no, the issue is incredibly dumb and imo requires immediate attention. Basically if your Windows 10/11 region is not set to United States, AMD's installers can't proceed for some reason. I don't know if they're reading the date/time wrong but they always spit out an error. I think this needs to be fixed ASAP, as many people would just give up on installing what is a very important driver and I only found what the issue is because of some obscure reddit thread. @amd please look into it.

5 Replies

Basically if your Windows 10/11 region is not set to United States, AMD's installers can't proceed for some reason.

That is 100% not true. RU region and all works fine
But i had such issue on my notebook. Clean and up-to-date windows install resolved issue. 

Multiple motherboards have the issue I've described on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. I have replicable evidence while you're giving anecdotal evidence from a notebook.

Adept III

My region is not to set to US and I had no trouble updating Chipset drivers. No errors at all.

Look I'm not saying that this is for ALL motherboards/chipsets. But it definitely has been an issue on my ASUS X570 Tuf board and a friends MSI X570 board. I'm trying to navigate the devs in a direction to check it out, even if 10% of people are having this problem it's still a lot considering how important chipset drivers are.


Already told you. Try cleanly reinstalling Windows. 
It is likely not AMD or ASUS issue on your end