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PC Drivers & Software

Adept III

Second driver with CPU metrics not displayed on the Overlay

It's not a question, more like an observation that AMD doesn't really care what people say. And not only that, it's also an observation of lack of common sense.

I mean, AMD was proud of :

Performance Tuning

  • Introduced CPU metrics and monitoring to the performance metrics tab in Radeon Software.

but i guess they only thought that the Overlay is good enough only for those who keep loggings about their hardware. Users who just want the information at the time they think something's happening, well, who cares about them right?


(this is a question i guess)

How is it that you keep shooting your own feet AMD?

PC build: 5800X3D, Asus C6H, 6800XT, NVMe, SSDs and HDDs, Creative SBX AE-5, LG 48-180Hz FS 1440p
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