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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Screen Flicker/Flashing on 6000Series GPUs - Still No Solution?


Since day one of owning my 6800XT, I noticed on start-up into Windows OS, the screen flashes black about 1sec. It's somewhat similar when you do a AMD driver update and the screen flashes during the installation processes. 


Additionally, I noticed that while gaming, the screen will randomly flash, with some color streaks on the display (color may be from signal loss from gpu to monitor). I thought it was probably from undervolting the card, so I set the settings to default and realized that issue still occured while doing regular web browsing. 


I did some research and found all over the AMD forums, tech forums, and reddit that people are having the same issue. This has been an issue since the cards have released, yet AMD HAS NOT escalated this issue to their lead engineers to solve this driver related issue. Is there a way to reach out to lead tech/engineer to actually have somebody cares about their brand, to actually do some good to solve this issue for the masses? It's pretty annoying, especially for a competitive product. Came from a nVidia 1080ti, and never have one issue with the card or driver support other than I couldn't really OC that card to save my life. 



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