I've recently built a new Threadripper 3960x system using an Asus Zenith II Extreme motherboard. Everytime I run the Ryzen Master installer I get the following message: "a newer version is already installed" and the installer exits. If Ryzen Master is genuinely installed I nee no way to run it - it exists nowhere - and - the newer version I am trying to install has definitely never been installed. I see this issue many times here and elsewhere - can someone please help.
Is there anyone from AMD or the forum who can offer advice with my issue above?
Thanks @kingfish - filling it in now. I'd be keen, though, if they could reply on the forums too - a number of folks have similar ignored threads.
AMD has a social media account where there is more interaction...Reddit.
Maybe some info here > https://www.amd.com/en/support/driverhelp
After a bit of searching I found the following that does allow me to run Ryzen Master on my system:
It's the post by "epsilons" where he says "Well good news. I finally fixed the issue."
I'm pretty good with this kind of thing so I was able to get it to work - note a path or two might not be the same for you. However, this wouldn't be easy for those folks not used to this process. AMD NEEDS TO GET THESE STEPS INTO AN APPROVED FORMAT FOR EVERYONE TO FOLLOW - or better still, have their installer do the PROPER PRE-CHECKS and have this process made automatic.