So I bought another 2200G for a friend, and we decided to try and see if we could push it as far as a couple of Youtubers have done - But when we boot up Ryzen Master, the application can't/won't read the iGPU voltage controls, leaving us unable to do anything but increase the Mhz slider.
Quick screenshot - I apologise for the Danish. Haven't been able to change it to English so far.
mITX ASRock x370 fatality (Runs a 1500X with a hefty Bios OC normally with no issues)
2x8GB 3000Mhz G.Skill RAM (XMP in Bios)
200W / 650W PSU (It's intended to go into a compact In Win Chopin Case when we're done testing the limits on testbench)
We're trying to do something similar to this : Ryzen 3 2200G, Overclocking Guide with a $20 Cooler! - YouTube
(And on a sidenote for anyone who participated in my earlier thread about 2200G having issues with 60hz... guess what. It _WAS_ the APU, since this one has none of the issues present in the previous APU, and the hardware is exactly the same)
Click on button to enable it? next to APU GFX Speeds (circle button, so it become green)
Whether I enable any of the tabs, I am still not allowed to change the voltages on the iGPU.
VDDIO, VTT and SOC are simply "Not found", which doesn't make sense.
This is with the latest AMD Raven Ridge drivers from the AMD website, newest possible BIOS that ASRock has to offer, and on a fresh system install.
Can you get into wattman settings if you can adjust them from there
I'll try that for sure - Just seems odd I have no control through Master, when others clearly do.
What Wattman settings? there is no such thing for users with Ryzen 2200G/2400G AMD driver. Last driver is already more then two months old! and Wattman is simply not there to use.
So we're at an impass again. 😕
See if this AMD Ryzen Master Guide will help you. It is a PDF file :
see if you have installed Ryzen Master 1.2 which covers APU Overclocking.
This is copied from above PDF file on Ryzen Master Guide:
Rev. 1.20
February 2018
AMD Ryzen™ Master Overclocking User’s Guide AMD Ryzen™ Master 1.2 Addendum 37 Chapter 10
AMD Ryzen™ Master 1.2 Addendum 10.1
Introducing Ryzen Master 1.2 • Ryzen Master 1.2 is AMD’s newest software utility for o CPU and APU processor overclocking now featuring APU graphics overclocking o Application performance optimization o System performance monitoring
• Ryzen Master 1.2 unifies and replaces these former versions o Ryzen Master 1.0.1 supporting Ryzen processors o Ryzen Master 1.1.0 supporting Ryzen Threadripper processors
Keyword being "Ryzen". No mention of Raven Ridge in that guide, so it wouldn't mention the iGPU controls.
All the way down the PDF file you will see a section with new version that includes APU Overclocking. I made a copy to show you.
So there is! It doesn't mention anything about those controls not being found however. Can't follow a guide that doesn't address controls that don't match the real PC. Again - The issue here isn't HOW to overclock it, it is that the voltage controls are showing as "not found" in the Master app.
This sounds like it is talking about voltages to the iGPU. Copied from PDF File on Ryzen Master Guide:
AMD Ryzen™ Master Overclocking User’s Guide
Rev. 1.20 February 2018 42 AMD Ryzen™ Master 1.2 Addendum
a. The GFX Voltage is referenced to the SOC Power Domain’s master SOC Voltage (3) b. The GFX Voltage can be raised above the SOC Voltage without reset c. If the GFX Voltage is lowered below the SOC Voltage, the GFX Voltage will be automatically raised to the SOC Voltage 3. The SOC Voltage sets the master voltage for the SOC Power Domain a. The SOC Voltage is typically set first to achieve the desired memory overclocking level i. It is not necessary to overclock the memory if your goal is to raise the SOC Voltage only to overclock the GPU. b. If SOC Voltage is changed and Applied: i. And the APU GFX Speed row (4) is active (observed by the Apply) 1. The automatic restart will set the GFX Voltage to the new SOC Voltage 2. and the GFX Clock speed will be applied 3. putting the GPU into overclocked mode ii. And the APU GFX Speed row is inactive (ignored by the Apply) 1. The automatic restart will leave the GPU in stock mode 2. The GFX Voltage and Clock will remain unchanged and have no effect c. When the APU GFX Speed row is activated and Applied i. The GFX Voltage will be adjusted relative to the SOC Voltage ii. and the GFX Clock speed will be applied iii. putting the GPU into overclocked mode 4. The APU GFX Speeds domain (row) can be toggled: a. Active (green) such that the graphics control settings are observed by the profile Apply action i. When active, any Apply of the profile will result in the GFX Clock and Voltage being set and the GPU put into the overclocked mode, even if only at the low default values. b. Inactive (gray) such that the graphics control settings are ignored by the profile Apply action i. When inactive, any Apply that requires a reset will ignore the GFX Clock and Voltage settings ii. and the reset will reset the GPU to stock mode, regardless of whether the GPU is in stock or overclocked mode before the Apply action. iii. If you wish the GPU to remain in an overclocked state, the APU GFX Speeds domain must be Active and the desired GFX Clock and Voltage set.
What version of Ryzen Master are you running. The version that deals with APU was introduced in February 2018 as Version 1.2
Latest everything. This was a fresh install as of April 9th.
It is possible your fresh install doesn't have the February 2018 new version. You can download it from: AMD Ryzen Master 1.2 Download - TechSpot
I'll try this one once the re-installation is done.
Reinstalled Windows and used your install (And double checked the old one). Both are 1.20 or newer. Still no SOC found as per the OP post image.
You need to carefully read the PDF file on Ryzen Master. Found this that may be the reason why it is not showing. Just going by the PDF:
Figure 15. Feature Support Variations Several features may or may not be applicable to a given processor family, or model, or generation.
Ryzen Master 1.2 changes the visibility of two features depending on applicability:
1. The Legacy Compatibility Mode (LCM) control is relevant to processors with greater than four cores
a. Ryzen Master 1.2 deactivates and hides this control for any processors of four cores or less
2. The Memory Access Mode (MAM) control is relevant only to Ryzen Threadripper processors
a. Ryzen Master 1.2 deactivates and hides this control for Ryzen processors
AMD Ryzen™ Master Overclocking User’s Guide
Rev. 1.20 February 2018
AMD Ryzen™ Master 1.2 Addendum
The Game Mode profile depends on MAM and LCM for the profile’s unique configuration. For example, a 16-core Ryzen Threadripper 1950X CPU will be re-configured by the Game Mode profile for optimal game performance across a wide range of legacy and modern games.
The LCM and MAM controls are both applicable to this CPU model. Conversely, Ryzen 5 2400G APU has four cores, thus LCM is not applicable, and is not a Ryzen Threadripper model, thus MAM is not applicable.
For the Ryzen 5 2400G APU • The configuration is already optimal for game performance across a wide range of legacy and modern games. • Without the need to set LCM and MAM, the Game Mode profile is not unique from the Creator Mode profile and does not uniquely change the behavior of the processor for the gaming use case For similarly situated Ryzen models
AMD suggests using the Game Mode profile to optimize overclocking for games, perhaps with more aggressive CPU, graphics and memory overclocking taken toward the edge of stability
AMD suggests using the Creator Mode profile to optimize overclocking for creativity and productivity use cases under less aggressive overclocking conditions for improved stability • Profiles 1 and 2 remain for other use case optimization at the complete discretion of the user
I think you need to read it carefully as well - It doesn't disable any of the iGPU settings.
Again - If you refer to your own image, LCM is disabled and SOC is clearly still appearing on a Raven Ridge.
Sorry, If I sounded rude, it was unintentional.
Can you upload a image of Ryzen Master onscreen so that people here in the Forum can see what you are seeing? Where it shows the sliders for Memory and Voltages?
I don't have Ryzen Master installed, hopefully someone knowledgeable might be able to give some insight as to why you can't adjust the iGPU voltages on a APU installed on a Desktop.
This is beginning to sound like the type of question the AMD Support can answer you. Send an email to AMD Support here: Email Form . This is the best method to get a reply back. They might be able to explain why you voltages is disabled on your Computer setup.
Yeah it's starting to sound like an RMA question at this point.
There's a screenshot in the first post already?
Doesn't work. No images shows up. At least on my computer when I click on the link for the image.