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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

RX 570 Driver Timeout and Crash

Hi just built my first pc, 

Ryzen 5 3600

MSI B450 Bazooka Max Wifi

Corsair Vengeance LPX 16gb(2x8)

Gigabyte Aorus RX 570 4gb


and I'm getting this driver timeout error every few minutes(idle, opening games, and especially when opening Start in W10) It freezes screen + mouse and then goes black screen and then comes back with an amd error message. 

I've tried:

- drivers 21.5.2, 21.4.1, and 19.12.1 with DDU in between each

- Reinstalling Windows 3-4 times

Not sure how to fix this. It's unusable at the moment, so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

15 Replies
Adept II

R7 2700

MSI B350 Tomahawk

Crucual Ballistix 2x8GB

MSI Armor rx570 4GB

Seasonic 650 Core GC


same issue here.

waiting for a fix. temporary solutions are to reinstall chipset + 21.3.1 or chipset + 21.4.1 DRIVERS ONLY.

This way i can play some games and no more timeout or freeze in idle. But i can forget to play hungry games as Dirt, tekken, RDR... Despite stress test in OCCT was fine. Hungry games crash at some point where they didnt before. I investigate since several days and convinced there is a hitch somewhere in AMD or W10 drivers, not a user cause

ok im not convinced about 100% functional environment but looks fine from hours idle and load!

what I did this morning in a moment of despair (what i refused to do or just in a gridlock) was reinstalling W10 entirely .

Symptoms were  followings :

-screen freeze every 5seconds,

-driver crashes, blackscreens

-timeouts driver responses,

-GPU 100% load at idle

and all what is unwilled

In W10 event viewer, i noticed a redundant error (411 > amdkdmag not started) every days i tried to reinstall Adrenalin different versions. Even after DDU and AMD Clean Utility and different versions it was the same error: amkdmag not started.

Strategy from this day was to clean all the mess i made in registry, SSD and presets trying all tricks suggested across forums for weeks, and let W10 do a clean install on a clean SSD from last Update (21H1) and let W10 install himself all chipset drivers itself (not downladed ones from constructors!!no AMD no MSI for me! i think this was a crucial point in my case).

Noticed 3/4 freezes from the start (the time to let W10 find the best drivers) but not anymore since i choose to reinstall Adrenalin most recommended from users across forums (21.2.x mine is 21.2.3). I dont want to try later version for the moment if its to get instabilities and again pass hours to play X Files.

I noticed at this stage , Adrenalin took more time than before to install, as if it would never have been installed properly while latest attempts

I was convinced it was a W10 issue with mixed incompatible artefacts from all manipulations i did from first install , then issues from bad AMD/W10 software communication with all datas from updates stacked from weeks.

I heard about too some potential incompatibilities with other programs i had so i didnt reinstall HWinfo, Afterburner or RTSS or all graphic related analysers / third part elements. But i dont think the issue could be AB or RTSS because it ran for months together without an issue. But never know...

Now i have no more hardware event error on this fresh W10 install. I didnt made one hardware manipulation and my hardware looks running fine, dont let others make you believe you can throw your card , just because of a buggy software issue not resolved.

Good luck to all



Woa, nice! So you just clean installed Windows and only downloaded Adrenaline drivers? Not sure if it's a problem like that for me because I have artifacts with my card despite it being new (  I'll give that try again tho, thanks!


Thats it.

Your screen looks weird. I  had lot of issues, but never some artifacts like this, only blackscreens.

is your card running well in safe mode or normal mode with generic Windows display driver?


Yea, it's perfect in Safe Mode with the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter. Really hope its not a card problem. Even if it is, the artifacts aren't too annoying as they're pretty small - just need to fix this freezing + timeout error. ðŸ˜ž

Have yet to try the reinstall as I'm not home. 


Didn't fix it for me 😞 

Thanks tho


not a solution but you can mute crash reports from AMD or modify TDR

what happens if you disable/enable your card in W10 Device Manager

do you have acces to AMD Software gui


You could try to borough, if possible from a friend with the same type of card, and see if you still have the issues just to eliminate the videocard or mobo. Sofar it seems to to me when you have artifacts something is wrong with the rx 570. If the card is really new have it RMA'ed/Warranty or changed from where you bought it. Otherwise as a last resort you can repast the videocard GamersNexus has a video on it.

In all my experience, more than 30 years, as soon as a videocard starts to show artifacting I had it changed under Warranty/RMA'ed as it is a sign that the videocard is no good.


So I tried with an rtx 2060 from a friend's build and everything worked great(no artifacts/timeouts) - so video card problem for me is what I'm thinking. Bought this as "new" off Ebay, and I actually already got the RMA approval from Gigabyte - just a bit hesitant because I've seen nothing but bad stories about Gigabyte's RMA process. 

Journeyman III

Seems like all of us have an MSI mobo?  i wonder if something is conflicting with our drivers?  im completely at a loss as  of now.  I cant install any drivers if i want my pc to not black screen, once my pc black screens only way to fix it is hold the power button.   Has anyone found drivers that are usable?  sucks putting so much time into trying to fix these problems but there isnt any solutions...

Ryzen 7 2700x  

Msi B450 Tomahawk

RX 570 8gb (MSI)

16gb RAM corsaire vengeance 



MSI B550-A Pro

Ryzen 7 5800x 32GB memory

XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 8GB dual bios (bought used)

Under Linux Debian testing/bullseye and Windows 10 Pro (dual boot). I usually run Linux.

When not using the PC I have it mining ETH (abt. 12 hrs a day) under Linux and in normal use and mining it hasn't crashed once. For Windows 10 I usually install the chipset drivers first from AMD and block driver updates from Microsof, then the video drivers from AMD.

Adept I

bruh somehow same problem here with R7350 10 gb
it keep getting driver timeout at the start of the game and then suddenly it just crash and AMD error messege pops out "amd driver timeout has occured on your system"


The latest AMD Driver just posted by Ray mentions about fixing Timeout issues on the 500 and 6700 GPU Card:

Fixed Issues

  • Playing Horizon Zero Dawnâ„¢ for an extended period may lead to driver timeouts or game crash on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonâ„¢ RX 6700 XT.
  • Driver timeouts may be experienced while playing a game & streaming a video simultaneously on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonâ„¢ RX 500 Series Graphics.
  • Some users may experience high idle memory clock speed values when two or more monitors are connected to their system.
  • Driver timeouts may be experienced while playing The Mediumâ„¢ on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonâ„¢ RX 6700 XT.
  • On full GPU load, Radeonâ„¢ Software may incorrectly display higher than actual GPU power consumption values.
  • While playing Wreckfestâ„¢ or Armaâ„¢ 3, image corruption may be experienced when viewing foliage.

Still having the issue after ive updated to the newest drivers.

Constantly driver timeouts and i cant run any games.

My setup:

R5 3600 @ 3.6Ghz

MSI RX570 4GB Armor OC edition

MSI B450 tomahawk

16GB Corsair RGB Vengeance pro RAM


Is there already a way to make it work again, or is my GPU just dying?

My rx570 is definitively dead in August.

Computer was freezing at any driver install or starting W10

As it worked like a charm before a specific Adrenalin version I suspect newest drivers to tweak badly some cards.

Then my old ATI Radeon HD began to show some artifacts in September (drivers not anymore supported)

Since I bought a cheap nVidia card considering indecent prices on graphic cards, have no problem.

I boycott the market until we can have better prices and better supply.

Nevermind for game industry. Best games are not the most recent