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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

ReLive recording/streaming green screen


Since the last two graphics driver update (both which i've installed after a DDU run as I always do) relive is no longer working for me.

I cannot record nor stream any gameplay because all it records is a green screen without any audio.

I've tried reseting settings, recording with basically every single option available and the results are still the same, which sucks because til this issue started I used ReLive a lot.

System info for reference:

Intel Core i5 7600k

Gigabyte RX 580 4GB

8GB DDR4 2400

Windows 10 Pro x64

AMD driver 19.1.1 (the issue was also happening on the previous driver though)

I've tried searching for solutions online and apparently this isn't a rare issue, especially on RX 480s and 580s, I've never had it before though, only now with the last 2 drivers.

2 Replies

These kind of issues should be reported to AMD > Online Service Request | AMD

Journeyman III

I have been having the same issue but on at least the past 3 or 4 driver updates. I have also tried windows game bar and dvr and that also has an issue for me where it just holds a blank image and nothing is happening, but there is still sound recorded.

my system is:

intel core i7 7700

rx vega 64

16gb ddr4 2400

windows 10 ed

and now driver 19.1.1