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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

Red Dead Redemtion 2 - Vulkan SAM vram leak.

Playing Red Dead Redemption 2 with Vulkan API for a long time with SAM enabled causes the game to crash. This is caused by excessive VRAM usage, the so-called VRAM memory leak. Until now, the temporary solution was to disable SAM in the Adrenalin settings, but in Adrenalin 25.3.1 it is not possible to disable SAM from the Adrenalin settings, instead it has to be done from the motherboard BIOS. I probably don't have to tell you how inconvenient this option is now, especially when it comes to playing just one game. The inability to disable SAM from the Adrenalin settings was probably introduced on purpose, so I'm writing this topic to ask you, dear AMD community, to report the problem with RDR2 and SAM via the AMD bug reporting tool. I'm not sure if it's possible to bring back SAM ability to enable/disable from AMD settings, so reporting is the only thing we have left. This issue has to be fixed finally because it has been lasting for far too long.


PS: If anyone from AMD is reading this, please address this issue as it has existed since SAM was introduced. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a wonderful game that is currently being ruined by this one feature.

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