Hey all, I apologize if this is not the correct forum to post this in, however, I am desperate and looking for help!
Upgraded my pc and swapped the mobo and cpu out (had intel) to an Asus b450f board and a ryzen 5 3600. Since then my computer will randomly restart while idle for no apparent reason whatsoever. I have tried:
- Reinstalling windows (twice, once on the then current ssd and then on a brand new ssd)
- Replacing the gpu
- Replacing the psu
- Ran memtest for 8 hours, all passes.
- New surge protector
Temps are fine and ironically enough this has yet to happen while I am gaming. Cpu never goes above 70 when running intense games and gpu temps are even better not touching 65. For a couple weeks I was assuming a hardware issue as I was not getting any minidump files produced, however, for whatever reason my computer was at the login screen when I had gotten home from work today and I now have a minidump file. It points to amdppm.sys but this is all I really know. These restarts can be non existent for a few days and then will happen out of the blue. I have linked the minidump below if anybody could take a better look. Any input or advice would be really appreciated. Windows is also up to date as well with no optional updates.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cbnSe1vYUWce3mO2AQTbh4uUSfjhmJU9/view?usp=sharing (minidump)