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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Random black screens when gaming

I'm new here, but as near as I can tell, this is all the requisite information:

  • AMD Graphics Card:
    • Radeon RX 550 Series
  • Desktop or Laptop System:
    • Desktop
  • Operating System:
    • Windows 10 Home (x64)
  • Driver Version Installed:
    • Radeon Adrenalin 18.2.1
  • Display Devices
    • DELL D3218HN, 1920 x 1080 resolution @60Hz, HDMI to - I always mix these up but I think it's a DVI?
  • Motherboard + Bios Revision
    • HP Pavilion Power Desktop 580-1xx BIOS version
    • AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor (3.00 GHz)
  • Power Supply Unit  Make, Model & Wattage
    • ... according to the Amazon page for the product, 300 Watt internal ATX E-STAR 6.0 Bronze power supply?
  • RAM
    • 16GB

If it's relevant, I'm also using a Logitech Gamepad F310 for most of my games.

Describe your issue:

I got a new gaming computer recently, and basically since I got it out of the box, I've been experiencing issues with random black screens while gaming. I first noticed it on Skyrim, but it seems to be especially prevalent with Arkham Asylum GOTY and Arkham City GOTY (particularly the Arkham City DLC and campaign stuff), despite my attempting fixes for both games. I've tried updating to the newest non-optional driver, disabling anti-aliasing, turning down the graphics settings from "Very High" to "High", and turning up my fan speed in Wattman, all of which I've seen recommended for using AMD cards with the Arkham series, and yet nothing seems to have fixed it. I know that the Arkham series is infamous for its Nvidia special treatment, but the fact that this is happening during other games - and even once while just browsing my Radeon settings - makes me think this is a problem with my setup itself.

As Arkham City is the most reliable reproducer of this issue, here are my current Arkham City settings:


Fullscreen: Yes

Resolution: 1600 x 900

V Sync: Yes

Anti-Aliasing: Disabled

Stereoscopic 3D Status: Not Available

Directx 11 Features: Off

Directx11 Tessellation: Off

Detail level: High

Dynamic Shadows: Yes

Motion Blur: Yes

Distortion: Yes

Lens Flares: Yes

Light Shafts: Yes

Reflections: Yes

Ambient Occlusion: No

Hardware Accelerated Physx(tm): Off

AMD profile graphics:

Anti-aliasing mode: Use application settings

Anti-aliasing Method: Multisampling

Morphological Filtering: Off

Anisotropic Filtering Mode: Use application settings

Texture Filtering Quality: Standard

Surface Format Optimization: On

Wait for Vertical Refresh: Off, unless application specifies

OpenGL Triple Buffering: Off

Shader Cache: AMD optimized

Tessellation Mode: AMD optimized

AMD FreeSync: AMD optimized

Frame Rate Target Control: Disabled

AMD profile Wattman (I'm not very familiar with Wattman, so I've left my tinkering here to a minimum):


Frequency(%): 0

Voltage Control (mV): Automatic


Speed (RPM): Automatic (I tried turning "Target" all the way up to maximum, but had no luck, so I reset everything)

Min Acoustic Limit (MHz): 999


Degrees C: Automatic

Power Limit (%): 0


Frequency (MHz): 1750 MHz Max

Voltage Control (mV): Automatic

This is my first real gaming computer - all my gaming before this has been done either with a console or by trying to power my Intel Integrated graphics card laptop (I know, I know) through the minimum resolution settings on various games, so it's entirely possible I'm missing something obvious, but I've googled around extensively and I'm at a loss here. Everywhere seems to just keep saying "Update to the newest driver", but I did, to no avail.

Help would be very much appreciated!

8 Replies

It is possible you have an underpowered PSU. According to this website : PSU REQUIREMENTS - RealHardTechX  you should have a minimum PSU wattage of 350 watts for total system power with a RX-550 GPU card installed.

What is really strange, the HP Computer model you bought has installed GPU cards that require stronger PSU wattage than the one the computer has. For instance, you computer, according to, also comes with a GTX 1060 which requires a 450 watt PSU yet has installed a 300 watt PSU.

You must have ordered a customized HP computer because all the models from shows it having a Intel processor and not a Ryzen.

Also there are new AMD Drivers for the RX-550 then the one you have installed. Try updating them and see if it fixes the problems.

Selling a computer with those specifications and only a 300watt Bronze power supply is criminal. Return the computer if you can...or force them to upgrade your PS.

Okay found the exact HP Computer model that you have. Model Number: HP Pavilion 580-100-177c which has a Ryzen CPU and a RX-550 GPU Card but still came with a PSU of 300 Watts. I can't understand how HP calls this a Power Computer with a PSU that is underpowered for the computer's components. I don't think this computer was made for gaming.

Here is HP Support for all the drivers for your computer. There is a very new BIOS, but I believe it is for an Intel CPU motherboard and not AMD.

HP Technical Support, Help, and Troubleshooting | HP® Customer Support

Even AMD suggests a PSU of 400 watts for this card. Even though the Maximum power consumption of the GPU card is 75 watts. According to several Forums, they all mentioned this is not a gaming card. Here is a partial copy from the Specs on the RX-550:

Radeon™ RX 550


Boost Frequency

Up to 1183 MHz

Max Performance

Up to 1.2 TFLOPs


Typical Board Power (Desktop)

50 W

PSU Recommendation

400 W


Hahhaa, wow, seriously? I thought this seemed like a really good deal - I actually bought it out of the box at Costco, not custom ordered it. It was advertised as a gaming PC, and I figured it'd do for most of my purposes. Looks like I'm getting a new power supply! Thank you, everyone!

(Oh, one note for googlers with the same issue: my model is actually the HP Pavilion 580-100-137c, not 177c, but it's still a 300 W power supply. The product page is here - HP Pavilion Power 580-137c Desktop PC Product Specifications | HP® Customer Support )


I am not saying it can't be used for gaming, but from what I have read, it is good for Basic gaming. Google " Is RX-550 a good gaming card" and you can read for yourself what other people are saying or reviews about the card. RX-550 is considered to be a inexpensive budget GPU card.

If you buy a new PSU, make sure it is a high quality one (Gold or Platinum 80+ rated) and at least 850 watts. That way if you decided to upgrade to a much more expensive and powerful GPU card or CPU or add more components to your computer you will have the power to run it. If you can't afford that high of wattage PSU, then try to get at least a 600 Watt high quality PSU. Also make sure the PSU you purchase will fit in your computer case.

Your problem may STILL be a Driver or game issue. But, at least, you eliminate a major reason for the GPU acting up.

If you continue to have problems, just add a reply to this post in the future.

Hey, long time no chat, everyone.

So, update: I did get a nice new 750W PSU (It's an EVGA G3 Supernova, rated 80 Plus Gold, Eco mode off). I had a bit of difficulty installing it myself but I'm fairly certain at this point that everything is connected properly, etc. I have reset Wattman to its default settings. At first, I thought the issue was resolved, but it happened that the game I was testing it in just had better performance for whatever reason; after pulling some other games up, I'm afraid I'm still experiencing this issue.

Journeyman III

My inclination is to simply sleeve the cards. This one has the decision of Ethernet or USB availability, yet should you go that course, you will need to supply your very own link. Different occasions, you may require new abilities HP Scanner Error 22 , or you might need to benefit as much as possible from the most current innovation.