X570 Aorus Ultra
Ryzen 3800x
Radeon VII
My HP reverb is being detected, tracking work but black screen.
I tought the screen might i've been bad
So I tried on my living room computer that Has a Rx 470 4GB & everything work flawlessly...
Anyone has similar problem ?
Yes, the same problem. The black screen in games and in the browser. Driver 20.2.2
Radeon VII
R7 2700
MSI b450 tomahawk
I should've add more info
Living room CPU everything work .... 4770k & Rx 470 For the win Right !....
Driver 20.1.3
-ok Maybe it's the driver
Install 20.2.2 Still working
Test No2
The Gaming/Work Station ....
Radeon VII on 20.1.3 same CRAP ....
Put the Rx 470 in the case same driver nothing different didn't even re-install driver
Connect the Headset to the Rx 470 Bam it works ..... Resolution is good & everything
Plug it in the AMD Top of the line card (Radeon VII) ....... NOTHING .
Also for some reason when it's plug in the card the max resolution in windows mix reality is 640x640
I have the exact same issue with the RX 5700 XT.
AMD please fix that asap!
Its a mess that your new cards are unable to handle VR
Same thing happening to me on a new build. It tracks and shows up on the monitor on Windows Mixed Reality, but the headset is a blank screen. Doesn't seem to even turn on, although I know it's on because it's tracking. Put an old Nvidia GTX760 on it and the screen comes alive, but is obviously not optimal.
Motherboard: MSI MPG X570 gaming edge wifi
CPU: Ryzen 7 3700
GPU: ASrock Radeon VII
VR: HP Reverb Pro
I can't believe this card will not work with this device.
it might be the combination of the x570 MSI board and the AMD card/ driver I have a 5700XT.
not working neither with the HP reverb nor the HTC Cosmos. 😞
Best eru