Kept getting random crashes on my previous ATI card, so I bought a different one (linky so there's no confusion which card). No improvement. Figured updating the drivers might help, but now radeonsoftware.exe crashes on every. single. boot.
When the popup appears (windows has detected your video driver stopped unexpecteblablablaaaaa, you know the one) UE4 crashes right along with it, throwing up a crash popup of its own, citing "d3d device lost".
Solved! Go to Solution.
This website give some very good troubleshooting tips on "Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost.": "
Just don't download their recommended software to fix the issue. it is not good.
See if any of those tips helps in fixing your issue.
Here is AMD's latest RX5700XT driver:
It might be a probem with your Unreal Engine itself or Steam. Do you have the latest versions for both installed?
EDIT: Noticed that you mentioned you have Windows 7 installed. That could be an issue with either Unreal Engine or Steam.
Did you overclock your RAM? Is 21.3.1 the only driver version you tried to clean install with DDU?
This website give some very good troubleshooting tips on "Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost.": "
Just don't download their recommended software to fix the issue. it is not good.
See if any of those tips helps in fixing your issue.
Here is AMD's latest RX5700XT driver:
It might be a probem with your Unreal Engine itself or Steam. Do you have the latest versions for both installed?
EDIT: Noticed that you mentioned you have Windows 7 installed. That could be an issue with either Unreal Engine or Steam.
Excellent man, exactly what I needed; thank you VERY much 😄