Got my Radeon 7 today and playing The Division 2 beta every 10 or so minutes my whole system locks up, Would be nice to get a hotfix for this considering the beta is over in a few days 🙂
I get the same thing on RX Vega 64 Liquid and R9 Fury X/Fury/Nano, and not just on the Division 2 Beta.
I am running Windows 10 64bit with Adrenalin 2019 19.2.1.
I think it is a feature of AMD Fiji based and derivative / respin GPU's now.
It's been happening for at least a year now, on a regular basis, on different PC's/PSU's you name it.
Anyhow, a new Radeon VII driver was released today so you can try that out here:
AMD Radeon™ VII Drivers & Support | AMD
Radeon™ Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.2.1 for AMD Radeon VII Release Notes | AMD
According to Hardware Unboxed, it is much better than the initial review drivers, They managed to complete their benchmark suite using it.
You can watch the video here: AMD Radeon VII Mega 33 Game Benchmark vs. RTX 2080, GTX 1080 Ti, Vega 64 & More! - YouTube
Conclusion = Radeon VII slower than RTX2080 and fans are far too loud, but there is supposed to be a new driver with a fan profile fix next.
Good luck.
I appreciate the reply but that driver was released on the Radeon 7 launch day which is what I already have.
Well at least you know it's not just happening on Radeon VII.
Can you run BF1 or BFV without crashing?
I don't have BFV but I do have BF1, I'll try it for an hour or so when I get home from work tonight
Ok thanks.
I would be interested to know how the Radeon VII performs as I did purchase and pay for one immediately on launch day but then found that my GPU I paid for didn't asctually exist when it didn't turn up. I cancelled the order.
Beta software itself is *unstable*--keep that in mind. It's why it is called "beta"...;)
Tested the beta with a 1080 Ti and it ran fine, Radeon 7 consistently froze my entire system after a few minutes of play, That points to a driver problem.
I see similar with RX Vega 64 Liquid or R9 Fury series cards in general versus running an RTX 2080OC or a GTX 780Ti in general,and consistently for a long time now.
Run with the AMD cards, lots of driver crashing, black screening, Audio buzz, PC freezing, and now on a number of occasions, corrupted and irrecoverable Windows 10 install.
Run with the Nvidia cards I sometimes get a game crash, once in a while but not driver or PC crash or freeze yet.
I cannot continue testing Tom Clancy The Division 2 since the Beta is over. My AMD Rewards key is not activated yet.
You might want to try this Driver for the Radeon VII, someone on Twitter claims it fixes everything:
Radeon™ Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.2.2 Release Notes | AMD
Also your PC Crashing / Freezing might be related to lack of UEFI VBIOS on your Radeon VII Card and CSM mode on motherboard causing problems?
Did you check if your card has UEFI BIOS?
More info here: AMD Radeon VII Has No UEFI Support | TechPowerUp
I don't know what the latest situation is w.r.t. flashing new VBIOS onto Radeon VII GPU.
I see some reports that a Windows 10 VBIOS flashing program will be made available.
I personally would not be happy using that.
I normally use a bootable USB drive to flash VBIOS on a GPU in case Windows, especially Windows 10, decides to do something to interrupt the flash process.
I am involved in testing / repairing GPU's and a common problem is bricked GPU because BIOS flash from within Windows went wrong.
Sometimes a bricked VBIOS can be recovered using hardware mods on the GPU PCB or by replacing VBIOS chip. Sometimes the bricked GPU has a secondary VBIOS which the User didn't realise was even on the card. So in that case just swap over to the working VBIOS and the card might be recognised and allow PC to boot up and you can then install drivers.
The Radeon VII do not have a secondary VBIOS so I would strongly recommend flashing the VBIOS from a bootable USB stick.
No new Drivers for Radeon VII yet.
I just tried to run it on an RTX2080OC on a Ryzen 2700X but it looks like my Beta Key has expired about 6 hours earlier than expected.
I will try to check out what is going on.