Thank you for all the good stuff we know you are doing. However, i never expected to experience a disappointment switching from 5500 xt 8gb to 7900 xt 20Gb product, running linux and its common widespread distribution. Thus i have questions:
(1) Why can't i download your native driver packaging provided by `amdgpu-install` for current LTS Canonical's Ubuntu "Jammy" release? Where is download section e.g. for Arch linux?
The only available option on AMD driver support page, for me, includes Ubuntu 23.04 which will attempt to build via dkms (which, as always, fails if one has the latest stable kernel.org release with same or extended configuration vs. mainline) and enable release-mismatching repositories with no dialog options. You don't seem to care, really.
The 23.04 release EOL is 2024 while 22.04 planned EoL is 2032, see yourself: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases .
(2) Why would you claim support for kernels shipped with the certain distributions, yet not the stable kernel.org releases (today's https://lwn.net/Articles/943751/ ) are you not even planning to keep up and/or planning to limit the linux support?
The answer could be obvious, but i'd appreciate the amd representative response, the matter of this question does impact perception of mine and probably of other customers.
(3) Does AMD understand that current linux support for 7000 series and 7900* in particular is underwhelming to the point where i can no longer justify the brand support for myself into certain context?
The impact: https://youtu.be/e7DjJR3zpCw?t=361
Just look, as of today we can't : tune voltage/power, set the basic fan curve, reliably boot without iommu enabled (on some mobos and some kernels, as if you promote the hypervisor level hw/fw rootkits with your firmware binaries kek lol), install your driver packaging with rocm with no hassle on major stable linux distributions and expect stable kernels support alongside with link training for dual monitor setup working, etc.
Not even talking of Tensorflow&Co. Very, very underwhelming and time doesn't seem to affect this all, you might have started losing me and some of us, please don't we need more than a single major player in this game and we like you.