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PC Drivers & Software


Question Regarding Two Driver Features (V-Sync and Surface Format Optimization)

  • Regarding V-Sync:

Does it work with DirectX and Vulkan applications? This guide by AMD states V-Sync option only works with OpenGL applications. But this guide is a bit old from what I can tell. The newest guide that is dated September 8th, 2023 does not say anything about V-Sync option at all. So while the guide says V-Sync option only works with OpenGL applications, it definitely has some effect when I enable it on Apex Legends, which is a DirectX 11 game, where the game completely breaks. So I would like to get some clarification.

  • Regarding Surface Format Optimization:

What does it exactly do? The guide I linked above states: "Surface Format Optimization enables the graphics driver to change rendering surface formats where applicable, which may result in improved performance and lower video memory usage. It is recommended to leave this option enabled for an optimal gaming experience." But this doesn't exactly make sense to me. Also, this option used to be enabled by default but for the last few months, GPU drivers come with this feature disabled by default. Why did they make this decision? Is it because the feature degrades quality or cause issues?

Also what APIs does this feature work for? OpenGL? DirectX? Vulkan? I wish the driver software was more clear about this. I don't even know what the feature does or if it even works in the first place.

Any clarification is much appreciated. Thanks in advance and have a great day!

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