Hello guys i have a question about GPU custom fan control. I have MSI RX 580 4GB and when it idle with stock settings GPU temp is around 53-55c i have dual monitor, and i saw MR.pokester post and followed his custom fan settings and my GPU idle around 35-37c but RPM always around 1600-1700. is it bad that GPU fan run constantly ? with stock settings GPU rpm goes to 0 and fans turn off with custom settings it always running. i like it cool but i'm worried that GPU fan always running is bad does not age well. So guys give me some advice thanks.
(MR.pokester settings that i followed)
(My Settings)
AMD in their infinite wisdom decided to not allow you to have the fans go to zero if you use a custom fan curve. As many that run games know the default settings are not stable if you don't run a fan curve. So you are correct the fans running will shorten the life of the fans. To what degree I could not say. The 2018 adrenaline drivers would allow you to use a custom fan curve and return the fans to zero once cooled. NOBODY here understands why they did this.
Yeah its strange, I think ill leave it on custom fan curve.
I hate zero fan options, causes more problems than you can imagine
I like all fans to 100% to be safe
Okay thanks guess ill stick with custom fan mode