Hello everyone,
I have big problem with legacy for AMD Radeon RX 480 8GB VRAM.
Why I can't install if I want --opencl=legacy?
Please do not remove legacy version for my expensive graphic card it is still 6 years old. It is not pretty old.
Please help me! I want stay my good strong graphic card. Thank you!
// EDIT:
/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: amdgpu-dkms is broken or not fully installed
Why does it not complete pf installation? I want stay my current system Ubuntu 22.04.3 Linux Kernel
I am very disappointed now because my lolminer won't run because my graphic card AMD Radeon RX 480 8GB VRAm has only OpenCL 1.2
Check my make
Please stop annoying me with poor Ubuntu 222.04.3!
I have installed amdgpu-dkms than it happens and my Ubuntu 22.04 is unusable. I am very mad now. Please stop taking advantage of my time!!!!!!

Lucky I fixed to install mutter and mutter-common and I reconfigure with dpkg and I restarted it works fine. I see again and I already uninstalled complete amdgpuu related packages because it has critical problems. 😞 I am very disappointed now. I feel bad. You waste my time with legacy version of OpenCL 😞