Due to instability with drivers and a lot of freezing issues while playing certain games, i decided to switch from adrenalin drivers to the more stable PRO drivers.
I removed the adrenalin ones with the cleanup utility and once done i proceeded to install the PRO drivers.
Turns out, instead of getting pro software i got "Adrenaline: Somehow blue edition" that somewhere says it is pro and elsewhere that is adrenaline.
As you can see, the situation is highly confusing for me, i just want to know if it is supposed to be like this or not.

It is supposed to say "Create" instead of Gaming as i saw in photos and examples online (i changed language right now to check if it was bad translation from spanish to english)
Edit: Now I booted up my pc and after some minutes the screen would black out two or three times like if a new driver was getting installed and when I checked the software it now isn´t blue and there are a some things that are missing.

The part where it says if I can update my drivers is missing as well.