I'm working on a mod (or rather a mod of a mod) for Unreal Engine 1 games to provide a best of both worlds solution for drawing textures, using the very unkown and underrated but fascinating D3D10 (and 11 too) texture filter named "MIN_LINEAR_MAG_POINT_MIP_LINEAR".
In conjunction with DXVK and it's forced anisotropic filtering (it has to happen at the Vulkan level) it gives results such as this: 
It is a fascinating solution because it prevents the blurry textures up close of old games, but with a very capable filtering that is compatible (with the Vulkan translation layer) with Anisotropic Filtering.
The problem is that the non filtered textures are not compatible with any form of supersampling, with or without Vulkan (sample rate shading), tested on an RX 7900 XTX and on the Steam Deck. It's the same for 100% Point Sampled textures, supersampling (without manually downsampling) doesn't work and the textures are very shimmery when you move the camera. This doesn't happen on Nvidia GPUs which work correctly (with either driver level supersampling on D3D10/11 or sample rate shading with Vulkan).
I understand this is a nich use case (but definitely used a lot in retro gaming), but could it be possible to make so that the Vulkan driver supports sample rate shading on Point Sampled textures? To have feature parity with Nvidia in that aspect (can't try Intel hardware unfortunately).
Thanks for reading