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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

One HDMI port is not working AMD Radeon 7800 XT

Hello Guys,

my problem is the following:

I had some upgrades on my PC. It was woorking fine, till i took out the gpu, bc i need the space to insall a new CPU coooler. After that i put evreything back iun, started it and now my HDMI 1 Port is not working. I have a DUAL moonitor Setup, both HDMI. I tried reseating the card, installing all new Drivers, reinstalling them and switching poorts, cables etc. Then i had a Windoows update and after i installed it, it was working again. Next morning i started pc, and again HDMI 1 is not woorking, since a new Windoows update was available. Installed it, still not working. Again reinstalled the AMD drivers, and still not working. I thought maybe the GPU itself is the problem, but its not even been 2 weeks since i boought it.


If anybody has an idea what it could be, i woould be grateful, since sending it back and getting a new one is a big Hassle where im from.


My specs:

AMD Radeon 7800 XT 16gb

Ryzen 7 7700

ASUS TUF Gaming b650



1 Reply
Adept II

Use DP cables, not HDMI.