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PC Drivers & Software


OBS Blackscreen?

My OBS does pick up a signal, but on the preview theres is just blackscreen. In the older driver versions it DID work.

(Im using a RX 590).

Eigenschaften von „Spielaufnahme“.png

1 Reply
Journeyman III

This helped for me (AMD Radeon R9 M375)

(auto-translated solution from Russian)

Only Windows 10 1909 and later
Type "Graphics Settings" in the Windows Search and select the desired parameters.

In the window that appears, select the "Classic application" option and click "Browse" to open the path to the program

for 64bit C: \ Program Files \ obs-studio \ bin \ 64bit \ obs64.exe

for 32bit C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\32bit\obs32.exe or the path where you installed OBS yourself.

The OBS Studio program will appear in the list, click "Settings" and:

If you want to capture the "screen Capture" source to display the desktop, select "power Saving".
If you want to capture the "game Capture" source or use the NVENC encoder, select "High performance".

Lenovo z50-71 with AMD Radeon R9 M375