Since o got this new R7 240 2GB DDR5 in Janurary, i got the black screen+buzzing sound error constantly. Since then, i tried several ways to fix it, including testing new and old versions (always using DDU, clean install), deactivating onboard, moniroting voltages and temperatures, raising core clock or voltages a bit in radeon softare, tdrdelay at regedit, clean startup, reinstalling windows, power options and more, nothing seems to solve it. Sometimes the screen goes black but the sound keeps normal, sometimes it just freezes, but everything still on, mouse and keyboard, cpu lights, just freezed in black screen or screen with lines, curiously, it never happens when i'm stressing it. When doing a stress test, left for 16 hours during stress with no issues, at weekends, tried lefting a game open all day long, pausing and putting windows at suspended mode, not even a crash in all day long, but, if i turn on cpu and just use the browser or other softwares like arcgis, with low graphics demmand, i cannot use it for 15 minutes without crashing, then start gaming and all gets fine. Any ideas? Tried checking crashlogs with ''whocrashed'' software, it never finds nothing, and at logs it only shows the kernel power 41, i belive it is due to hard reset.