I would like to thank the staff at AMD for the latest driver version. The inclusion of a colour blind mode is most welcome.

Quite a few game developers mess up the implementation of colour blind modes - e.g. Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone actually do the opposite of the required correction when the colour blind mode is enabled.
Is anybody from AMD able to provide further details regarding the sliders?
- Has this been implemented correctly - i.e. does it simulate colour blindness or counteract colour blindness?
- Which colours are being enhanced/subdued for each slider?
- What does '20' equate to - e.g. +20% red, -20% green, etc.?
- Is there any associated impact to performance when these settings are enabled?
The vivid gaming option is also welcome. I enabled it during a quick game of Warzone and the colours are certainly 'popping' much more than when disabled. The colours in that game are so muted that I normally play with +40% saturation.
Are the colour blind and vivid gaming settings fully compatible with the saturation setting?
With a view to the future, are there any plans to implement anything similar to the colour filter post processing that is available for nVidia cards?