I think Windows 10 auto updated and the problems began. Ive tried to reinstall my driver 21.12.1 To no avail. The mainscreen keeps being black and the small screen on secondaryscreen is back. I had the small screen before but I fixeBlack main and small sec mon. I am glad the hdmi works. What causes such an error?d it updating to 21.12.1, but now its back. I cant change my hdmi tv resolution either. What the .... is going on. How can Windows 10 break a driver to those degrees. I am seriously wondering if I am going back to Nvidia. Everything was working flawlessly 3 hours ago. Now the Pc is completly messed up. The screens. How is this even possible? Do you have any suggetions for fix.
I fixed it a week ago but now its back again. Haha. Its beginning to become comical. My main screen goes black but the two others work. When I turn on my Agon screen the two others also goes out.
The first thing to try, use AMD Cleanup Utility or DDU in safe mode. Then reboot and install the latest drivers. If that doesn't fix it, please post your PC configuration and then you can look at further diagnosis.
It's possible you might have been running an older driver version that the latest Windows with updates doesn't work well with, and parts of it are left, you maybe can clean it with AMD Cleanup Utility or DDU and resintall? Also you can check the driver for your Displays, can you update it? I hope you get it fixed.
I have done the DDU and now the screens work, for now. Ive had the acer screen go 640x480 again although I think its a conflict with the LGtv. If I restart the Pc with out the LG on I can sett the Acer back to full hd in windows. Then turn on the tv, and all screens are ok. Sometimes the Agon just goes black. What I did was to pull out the DP cabel and swap them. Then the picture came back on the Agon, and sofort. I have used DDU and reinstalled drivers. But it seems that its the LGtv on the Hdmi which makes the acer go 640x480, and it might be something with one of the DP cabels which makes the Agon go black sometimes. Its anoying though it too me while to understand what was happening. The strange thing is that at one time removing the cable to the Agon DP turned on both LG and Acer, but putting it in back all screens went of. I dont remember what I did to cause that, but using DDu and reinstalling and reconnecting the DP cable and turning on the screens in right order has made the setup work again. Although who would know what the hell is going on. It took my a while to figure it out. Lets hope its stable now
You may try getting a different DP cable, maybe you have a bad cable? Also it's difficult to test every hardware and drivers for all the PCs, so it may be a small quirk with the different displays you have. You could search for more information on the internet for the brands of displays you have. At least it seems you have a quick and easy way to get it to work, so that is good!