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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Microsoft Windows Holding Display Driver Hostage Despite all My Best Efforts

I cannot install the latest RADEON drivers for my Vega64 card, I get multiple errors but the most common is that the driver was successfully installed but Windows *may* have overridden the display driver.

For context, yes I had disabled the option in the advanced settings of Hardware to opt out of microsoft updating drivers.

I used group policy editor to directly block any installation of any drivers with the exact address of the Microsoft Windows Generic Driver.

I even updated Group Policy settings to completely turn off windows update...

However, AMD's software still came up with an error that Microsoft had installed it's own display driver, even when Device Manager was showing that there was no display driver installed. Weird thing is, is that a Generic VGA driver was popping up when I was trying to install the latest AMD display drivers, and then magically AMD's software said that Microsoft may be overriding the display driver with their own, which was impossible since I blocked the hardware address and it wasn't to be found on Device manager. 

Since AMD doesn't allow users to manually install drivers anymore (weird), and I have zero options nor have any desire to change my OS (I have Windows 10 Enterprise Edition for personal and ethical reasons) or my Graphics card (I bought the Vega64 because it promised to have great performance for years to come), I ended up having to do a system restore to even get my old Vega64 display driver back and working, but guess what? Radeon Software, which was responsible for tuning my GPU which I had meticulously set up because of the finnicky way the Vega64 card works, suddenly won't boot and just runs in the background, kinda odd...Well now I have to use 3rd party software to control my fan speed which this card notoriously has heat problems with, and voltage is a nightmare to control now.

The real problem is though, is that UE4 games run like crap on this card. I'm getting multiple errors but I dont know if this is due to the display driver being outdated and there were updates to remedy how bad AMD cards run on UE4, or something else. I need to troubleshoot this but I absolutely cannot get the updated display driver on my system.


I need help and I'm out of options at this point. HELP!

1 Reply

Does the motherboard have integrated graphics?

If so get into the BIOS and disable it.

Same thing if you have a dedicated sound card and integrated audio.

These need to be disabled or windows will continually default to these.

Make sure your registry is cleared when you uninstall drivers.  I use BC Unistaller.  With AMD you have to make certain that you don't uninstall your chipset drivers as well.  

1. See if your BIOS is up to date

2. See if your chipset drivers are up to date.

3. What integrated devices are on your motherboard.

4. Install the latest GPU drivers.

I'm not familiar with the Enterprise Edition of Windows, but it may have something to do with your problem as far as policy rites.

I hope someone can help if these suggestions have already been tried.

Also check your Users/"username"/AppData/Roaming.  See if there is a folder from perhaps a driver updater in there or some folder that might be updating without your permission.

If it ain't broke; don't fix it!