Description of issue:
TL:DR = ReLive Recording doesn't start, Instant Replay isn't being saved on drive.
You boot PC, and recording works fine. You can even record for hours if you start it at this point. Then after some time, and work on PC (gaming mostly), you try to start recording again, and... it's gone. And you only will be able to detect it if you have recording overlay on (that small one in upper-left corner with timer). Because overlay won't even appear.
You cannot start recording neither with hotkey, or direct "Start Recording" button on overlay.
More than that, if you try to start Instant Replay in this condition, overlay will show you "There is capture going on", but when you attempt to save file ---> it's gone. No result.
Microsoft Defender and more specifically it's "Controlled folder access" feature.
Technically it requires "Real-time protection" to be enabled, but that's not quite true... You must have Real-time protection enabled to TOGGLE this function (and set up folders), but then it seems that this "feature" will just work in behind no matter what
[i have Real-time protection blocked with setting policy through GPedit and Tamper Protection disabled as only when both of these are disabled Real-time protection is stopped from self-enabling].
Confirmation (and troubleshooting step for every ReLive problem):
1) Open regedit
2) Go to the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AMD\DVR\]
3) Create new folder LOG, so that it's path is [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AMD\DVR\LOG]
4) Create key named "log_enabled" (DWORD_32) and set it's value to "1"
5) Create key named "log_minpriority" (DWORD_32) and set it's value to "0"
6) Reboot
7) Recreate problem
Go into %userprofile%\AppData\Local\AMD\CN [C:\\Users\Username\AppData\Local\AMD\CN]
9) Look for file named dvrlogYYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.XXX.txt
(Also, AMD... It is November, why today log have December in name? dvrlog20221229-052606.796.txt)
10) Read through ending of file (after failed attempt) to find error report.
Credit to colistro123 from Reddit for revealing method to gain logs.
My report said...
{Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.664 ERROR dvrmanager_component failed to create temp file
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.664 DEBUG dvrmanager_component windows defender blocked the creation of the file
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.664 ERROR dvrmanager_component Can't start capturing. We could not access the output folder
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.668 DEBUG pipeline_component StopDesktopPipeline start
Thread Id:13156 2022:12:29-05:43:34.697 DEBUG pipeline_component CustomSourceOverlay - thread exit
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.698 DEBUG pipeline_component Frame processed 4
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.698 DEBUG pipeline_component Set priority to NORMAL. Current value: 0x20
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.725 DEBUG dvrmanager_component DX12 : Destroy Device, ref 1
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.727 DEBUG dvrmanager_component OpenCL ReleaseCommandQueues (2.307100)
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.728 DEBUG dvrmanager_component OpenCL context ref count 1
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.728 DEBUG dvrmanager_component OpenCL clReleaseContext (0.185900)
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.728 DEBUG dvrmanager_component OpenCL Terminate (2.983900)
Thread Id:8784 2022:12:29-05:43:34.728 DEBUG pipeline_component StopDesktopPipeline end (60.049400)}
Disable "Controlled folder access", or at least exclude folder, where ReLive records into. ReLive should be able to start recording immediately after removing lock from folder.
**** Microsoft