Hi, i just tried the new Chipset drivers and i guess something went horribly wrong with it.
- Windows Time is totally wrong after driver installation (HPET Timer Problems?, therefore wrong Clock speed and wrong Windows Time)
- After install my Time was stuck on 10:51 and meanwihle it was 17:30
- Device is heavily Overheating, around 80-90°C in Idle
- Device wont reboot/start until its cooled down.
Went back to amd_chipset_software_4.08.09.2337 and Idle Temps are at around 38-45°C, Windows Time is back with right values
Maybe also the cause for dying Ryzen 7000 CPU's?
It's best to use laptop manufacturer chipset drivers as the laptop manufacturer might have made some tweaks.
In the whole Time of using Computers (around 40yrs) i never ever went this way, never used the drivers the manufacturers provided. Thats not an answer. Thats a i got no clue what hes talking about, go away.
Take Linux, how would you do that? Lenovo Linux Kernel? Lenovo Linux Firmware for AMD? There are no... BTW under latest Linux kernel with latest firmware this issue doesnt appear.
As is stated the older driver is working fine, so something in there which is affecting the timer, if the computer doesnt know his time, hes unable to measure clocks, if its unable to measure clocks, what would happen, yea the system is overheating, if its overheating it would clock down, it had, but clocks are wrong, easily monitored in adrenaline, system is clocking at around 200-400mhz but has around 90°C, that are impossible values. Also i would say the system Time is advancing a minute every half an hour.
Since the 4700u is an APU all this parts are inside the APU and Lenove does nothing inside the APU, only thing Lenovo does is the AGESA, its quite old in BIOS, but drivers should catch such misbehavior or cases to not destroy any hardware.
just tried amd_chipset_software_4.11.15.342 and so far its appearing only in version 5
Whether you like the answer or not is irrelevant. It's just a fact that some laptops have custom BIOS, and you need to use laptop manufacturer drivers for some hardware.
Fixed in version 6...
Thanks AMD to address that issue