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PC Drivers & Software

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Rx 580

Hello, I want to talk about the problem that I am facing, and that many are facing as well, which is that the game Marvel's Spider-Man 2 crashes at the start screen. This is because the graphics card has not been updated to the latest version, which is 25.1.1, but it is not available on the Rx 580. It is sad to see that cards older than The Rx 580 from Nvidia received an update and works without problems, so I really hope that AMD resolves this matter.

250 Replies
Journeyman III

nvidia is best.. guys please switch to nvidia they will provide drivers for more then 8 years or more

Adept I

Go to steam rip and you can download the game without a steam overlay. And put it on xss and no fsr at all. It will say you need a GPU update but just hit the x to close the notice the game still loads. And runs awesome at 1080p. I have a Rx Vega 64 and it uses similar drivers and says to update but I have played for hours no crashes. Even at 1440p and 75fps steam rip lol. Steams overlay is straight trash. 


can some please confirm this with 500 series cards


RX Vega 64 supports DX 12.1, RX 570/580 maximum only DX 12.0. The game just requires at least partial support for DX 12.1, and if it is not there, then you can even forget to think about launching this game. It's time to close the topic.


Why Can GTX 750 Ti Run Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, but RX 570 Cannot?
Let’s break this down in detail, starting with DirectX and its Feature Levels.
1. What Are Feature Levels?
Feature Level (FL) is a set of capabilities that a GPU must support for a game to work.
Important: Even if a GPU supports DirectX 12 API, it does not necessarily support Feature Level 12.1.
Games rely on Feature Level, not just the DirectX version.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 strictly requires Feature Level 12.1, or it won’t launch.
2. What Feature Levels Do GTX 750 Ti and RX 570 Support?
GTX 750 Ti → Maxwell 1.0 → DirectX 12.0 API → Feature Level 11.0 (BUT with a workaround)
GTX 900 series and newer → Maxwell 2.0+ → DirectX 12.1 API → Feature Level 12.1
RX 570 → Polaris → DirectX 12.0 API → Feature Level 12.0
⚠ At first glance, it seems like GTX 750 Ti shouldn’t run the game either, but here’s the catch!
3. Why Does GTX 750 Ti Run the Game?
GTX 750 Ti is built on Maxwell 1.0, which officially supports Feature Level 11.0, not 12.1.
But NVIDIA has a unique driver feature:
They partially implemented FL 12.1 via the driver, even for Maxwell 1.0.
This means that some FL 12.1 features are present, even if the hardware is not officially certified for 12.1.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 does not use all FL 12.1 features but only some, which are partially emulated in Maxwell 1.0’s driver.
:white_heavy_check_mark:As a result, the game accepts GTX 750 Ti as "good enough" to launch.
4. Why Doesn’t RX 570 Run the Game?
RX 570 is based on the Polaris architecture, which is locked to FL 12.0 and has no FL 12.1 support at all.
:red_circle:AMD does not add driver-level workarounds like NVIDIA.
If a card does not officially support FL 12.1, there is no workaround – the game just crashes.
The game expects FL 12.1, but RX 570 cannot provide it – instant crash.
Testers and the AVX2 bypass developer already tried running the game on RX 570/580:
Even with an AVX2 bypass, the game does not work.
At best, you get 2 seconds of gameplay before a crash.
The developer confirmed: the game requires FL 12.1, and this cannot be bypassed.
5. Why Did NVIDIA Provide a Workaround but AMD Did Not?
NVIDIA supports older GPUs longer and uses flexible driver solutions to extend compatibility.
AMD strictly follows official hardware limits – if FL 12.1 is missing on hardware, it won’t be in the driver either.
This is partly because AMD designs GPUs for consoles, where there is no need to support older PC hardware, while NVIDIA prioritizes long-term PC gaming support.
6. Conclusion: Why Can GTX 750 Ti Run Spider-Man 2, but RX 570 Cannot?
1. GTX 750 Ti officially supports FL 11.0, but NVIDIA added partial FL 12.1 support in drivers.
→ This was enough to make the game launch.
2. RX 570 is locked to FL 12.0 and has zero FL 12.1 features.
→ The game requires FL 12.1, and RX 570 cannot provide it – crash.
NVIDIA "tricked" the system via drivers, but AMD did not. That’s why the ancient GTX 750 Ti can launch the game, while the more powerful RX 570 cannot.


I upgraded my PC and moved to Nvidia with an RTX 4070. Anyway, I should have done this soon in order to get better performance in games or even studying, so I'm sorry, I will stop supporting this cause. I really tried a lot and contacted a lot of people to solve this problem, but nothing, and I knew from the beginning that both AMD and Nixxes would do nothing.

Therefore, I am done with AMD and its problems, and I will leave this post as it is. I will not delete it. I hope you guys will find a solution soon.

I congratulate you, but you can delete this discussion, there will be no solution and this is 100% information, there is simply no point in the fact that we are trying to urge AMD to provide a driver, but they will not do this, support for 500 series video cards is finally finished RIP

Journeyman III

Also, to everyone's notice, AMD deletes comments that they don't like!

My comment was deleted!

Well done AMD - well done! 



Good news guys, the problem has been solved with the latest update from Nixxes.


Well it seems I was a little hasty I'm sorry guys I upgraded my computer so I didn't try it myself but my friends told me that the game works for them with RX 580 but it seems that the game only works with save game 100% ready and not to play the story so you can try it

Screenshot 2025-03-06 202507.png


I will try it tomorrow, thanks to everyone who supported this topic and especially to you Ahmed. And also thanks Nixxes finally 🙂


Don't forget to tell us if it worked brother. Thanks in advance!


Yes i will write down here immediately when i try it no worries!




Thank you Ahmed, without all your efforts we wouldn't have gotten the fix.


I install patch 1.305.0.0 rx 580 but crash and

error update 25.2.2


its not solved yet even with this patch ....


Journeyman III

TLDR: Game launches, shows cutscenes but crashes after a while with no matter what settings (lowest even)

Title: Better, but Still Not Fixed
Game version: 1.130.1

AMD Software version: Adrenalin 24.9.1

Date of Update: 07th March 2025

PC Specs:
GPU: PELADN RX 580 2048SP (8GB)

CPU: Ryzen 5500



The game runs a couple of cutscenes well, though there are some stutters. After the first scene, where both Spider-Men exit the school (no spoilers, don't worry), the game stops working with the "Device Hang" message. As of March 7th, 2025, the game on the RX 580 has not been fixed.

Any YouTube videos claiming otherwise are poorly edited and clickbait (one even showed 4K GTA 6 gameplay, so you get the idea).

I will update this comment eventually when new updates arrive.

- GoodLord



Exactly, i did see the first 2 cutscenes but then it crushed again. Nothing solved.

Adept II

its not solved yet ,, so why this solved mark???



is it fixed or not whats the confusion


Well it seems I was a little hasty I'm sorry guys I upgraded my computer so I didn't try it myself but my friends told me that the game works for them with RX 580 but it seems that the game only works with save game 100% ready and not to play the story so you can try it



well this is some progress I guess. But the next patch should fix it fully for the rx 500 cards

The game sometimes works in certain ways and times, but in an unstable way, and you may notice a lack of models and effects during Peter's fight with monsters or in general in other matters. This is because the graphics card is not compatible with DirectX 12 properly, and the solution to the problem is in the hands of Nixxes only, which is to make the game support versions 12.1 and 12.0 so that the game works without problems or add the Vulkan API to change between them, but I do not think they will do this, but let us hope that a fix will occur in the upcoming updates.
Adept I

Hi to all who have been excited with the update that came up yesterday, we tougth that this update finally solve our problem but it doesnt, although all is not lost, i manage to pass trougth large cinematics like the first one or the one in the church with kraven, when you get a crash in one cinematic you have to enable the launcher of the game and put the game resolution in 800x600, also disable the frame generation and the scaling method too, with this you will be able to pass trougth the cinematic and then you can get your graph configuration to the one you feel better to play, i know this is annoying but is the only method i could get to pass trougth this and i realize that this crash only happens in cinematics that load the open world after them.


Bro, I launched the game with 100% it was running on 180 fps on low settings. Its only the problem that amd should release a feature 12.1 update on rx 500. I was running amerine amd 25.2.1 drivers. I have Rx 590 nitro GpuScreenshot 2025-03-08 110139.png

are you able to play the story missions without crashing?

I tried with the official adrenaline version again (Adrenalin 24.9.1), this time with various settings, starting from windowed mode to the lowest resolution. The game gets stuck/hangs during the cutscene, and the device hang issue persists.


No, bro it still crash after some time of playing. If Rx 590 is able to run this game on low settings at 180 fps then why it cannot run it. I didn't face any driver timeout error after installing these modded drivers.


did you buy this driver? and will it work on rx570?

No, just search R.ID amd drivers then on website you have to find Polaris vega and Navi just click on that you will be redirected on a different page where you have to download 25.2.1 version if your download is not starting simply click on problem in downloading and switch server to India web werks. After download simply extract it and run setup and then press 1 in xmd to continue driver installation. You will have a interface on screen where select and standard profile and next you can do it by yourself. If you have any problems then simply ask me here. And you have to use ddu first also uninstall the amd adrenaline manually.


I just tried to install the driver, and my video card just "changed", that is, instead of rx570 it became rx580X


It is working  good or not.


No, I didn't even install AMD Adrenalin


You have to install adrenaline. Today they have released new update 25.3.1. Download it if you face any issue then reply here.


Let me understand, i have to first clean uninstall the AMD adrenaline driver, then i have to install R.ID drivers for my polaris vega crad, then install the AmD adrenaline 25.3.1 and i will be able to play without problems rigth?


yes that's right, you need to completely remove the driver in safe mode using DDU, download the driver and to have the adrenaline software you need to download the file and transfer it to a folder on the c drive


I tried even with a clean windows install but the game still crashed, i will have to wait untill nixes and AMD finally fix this 


for your convenience i could record a video tutorial, but not now


thanks it would be really helpful, i tried with the most recent version of those drivers but doesnt make a diference, dw take your time