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PC Drivers & Software

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Rx 580

Hello, I want to talk about the problem that I am facing, and that many are facing as well, which is that the game Marvel's Spider-Man 2 crashes at the start screen. This is because the graphics card has not been updated to the latest version, which is 25.1.1, but it is not available on the Rx 580. It is sad to see that cards older than The Rx 580 from Nvidia received an update and works without problems, so I really hope that AMD resolves this matter.

234 Replies
Journeyman III

yeah, I got that problem too. the minimum system requirements for the spider-man 2 even indicate RX580, but we just dont have a driver lol

I hope AMD fix this problem

Journeyman III

I also have the same problem

Adept I

I have the same problem. We need a fix or something.

Adept I

Também espero que eles atualizem a RX 580 pra versão mais recente 25.1.1, para rodar o spiderman 2 e Final fantasy também, porque se eu tiver que atualizar essa placa para outra por falta de suporte/driver da AMD, sinceramente, irei migrar pra NVidia

Pois eu eu também, fiquei bastante triste com a AMD, sinceramente vou migrar pra NVidia. Amd nunca mais depois do ocorrido...

Big Boss

You need a newer/better graphics card.

The minimum is a RX 5500XT - that is a generation newer than the RX 500 series.

And on the minimum specs you can only get 30FPS @ 720p on lowest quality.

So even if AMD would release a driver update, the game is going to run like crap on the RX 580.

Doesn't sound like fun playing a game on absolute worst settings and nearly unplayable frames.


Ryzen R7 5700X | B550 Gaming X | 2x16GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 7900XT
Ryzen R7 5700G | B550 Gaming X | 2x8GB G.Skill 4000 | Radeon Vega 8 IGP
Ryzen R5 5600 | B550 Gaming Edge | 4x8GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 6800XT

I know that the card is old, but that does not prevent the fact that it is actually capable of running the game well. You can see old cards from Nvidia that are capable of this, such as the GTX 1060, which has a capacity of 3 GB, which is capable of running the game at low with a resolution of 1080 with frame generation and achieved 60 frames.

So do you want to tell me that a card like the Rx 580 8gb vram, is not able to run the game well? I can't believe something like this

Exactly, even GTX960 can run this game but some people are saying that RX 580 is not capable of running MS2.And also for those who think like that, RX580 was able to run this game's unofficial port at 40-60 fps without FSR.It is obvious that it is a driver issue and easily can be fixed with a driver update or game patch. We just want to play this game, I dont care if i get 20 fps.

For some people gameplay is the best thing in the game, not the visuals. With FSR 3.1 the game would be running way more than 720/30 on its lowest

So , please tell that GPU like gtx 1050,1650,1060,1030 which are like 6 or maybe 8,9 years old card can open marvel Spider-Man 2 but 2018 can't open which has 8 gb vram , there is no excuse for it because unofficial Brazil port is working and giving us 45 fps , I was planning to buy a Rx 5600 xt but after this amd bs drivers I am now going to get rtx 2060 12gb so at least I can some play years ,

Eu também pensava em atualizar minha RX 580 para uma RX 6600, porém por falta de suporte/driver para com a RX 580 que é uma placa ótima, roda até GOD OF WAR RAGNAROK e o PORT Não oficial de SM2 2024, irei atualizar para uma RTX, Nvidia.

Quem garante que daqui a 2 anos isso se repita??? eles deixem a RX 5000, 6000, 7000 de lado e não façam mais atualização só pra fazer com que a gente compre as GPU'S mais recentes. Não confio mais na AMD depois do que fizeram com a RX 580.

1060 3 gb run this game 1080 with 60 fps.

go and see the video

rx 580 is better than that

Amd give us a driver update , It will be total  bs that Rx 580 is made to give a tough competition to gtx 1060 , but now it seems like Nvidia is winning now , they care for their user even their 11 years old GPU is running this game Amd disappointed us never going to buy an amd card ever again


Its amazing how amd is forcing us to buy new GPU . Amd is going to disowned there most popular GPU ever I am just thinking who give the idea to them


Amd has not given a driver update yet , what are they even smoking right now , they should at least give these cards a chance , they should listen to their users 

You're acting like the RX 580 isn't capable of running this game. With frame generation, it can easily achieve 60 FPS. And whether playing at 30 FPS on the lowest settings is enjoyable should be up to the customer, not AMD. The card can run the game—this is just a driver issue. Responses like this only make me want to buy NVIDIA products instead. For some people, buying a new graphics card isn't as simple as it sounds.

Journeyman III

Yes, that's right, we need new drivers now, but if they're not there, I'm really disappointed with AMD.

Journeyman III

I hope AMD to solve this problem , I think RX580 is powerful enough to run this game

Journeyman III

Older video cards than the nvidia rx 580 run the game and are playable, but the 580 can't do it just because of the drivers? The game is compatible with the device, but not compatible? That's disrespectful.


Adept I

I have a Vega 64 and I know it's more powerful than the Rx 580 I have both. But use native settings on low 1080p and don't use anything but tsaa. I went through it cause the expensive Vega series stopped on the same drivers as the rx580. 

Adept I

try the steam rap version because it doesn't have an overlay and it will just let you click okay to skip past the driver update and it will load the game if your on a legacy driver. 


Hi, are you saying that legacy driver work can you please upload a video on YouTube it will be very useful


Journeyman III

AMD, please give it to us. We need new driver update for RX580. Please like all related comments so that our voice will be heard sooner.

Adept II

Dear AMD company, we are your users, we ask you to fix it and give us the opportunity to download the video driver for rx570 and rx580, because you know how to do good things and this video card can play the game Marvel spider man 2, but because we can’t download the driver, we can’t enjoy it with this game, please give us the opportunity to update the video driver to version 25.1.1 LIKE MY COMMENT AND EVERYTHING ABOVE WHAT WOULD AMD NOTICE!!!!

Adept I As seen in the video, even the much weaker gtx 750 ti can play the game, but the rx 580 crashes at the beginning of the game, this is really embarrassing, this needs to be fixed.

Adept I

please amd we need the driver uptade. its so sad to see gpus like 1060 1050 960 even 750 ti run the marvels spider man 2 but rx580 cant do it. the gpu is enough for the game ,just need a driver uptade. 

Adept I

Pois é pessoal, até mesmo GTX 750 TI que é muito mais antiga que a RX 580, está rodando o Spider-Man 2. NVidia dá mais suporte para seus usuários diferente da AMD. Irei migrar minha RX 580 para uma RTX OU GTX e aconselho todos a fazerem o mesmo.

Mano é inacreditável que o port pirata br funciona melhor que o oficial e nem é culpa dos devs do jogo pela primeira vez que algo do tipo ocorreu, a amd simplesmente que SEMPRE ganhou em cXb e em dar suporte pras placas antigas por muito tempo esqueceu que muita gente compra amd por essas coisas kkk se a placa tem capacidade de rodar o jogo mesmo que mal eles TEM que dar o driver pra ela, nvidia ta dando surra tanto em desempenho quanto em suporte para donos de placas antigas coisa que não era o normal, amd deu um baita tiro no pé.



Please we want a solution to this problem

Journeyman III

The game also does not start. Requires a driver that cannot be installed on the graphics card

Adept I

Did anyone tried to launch the game with PRO Edition 22.q4 driver for RX580? I know it is a very outdated driver but just asking.

everything is the same there, only before starting there is no error that the driver is outdated

Adept I

My Rx 590 gme is still not opening the game , amd please wake up don't let these card die 

It looks like no one will wake up anymore (((because as I understand it, AMD no longer wants to let us play(

Adept I

Yeah like everyone has said it is very embarrassing that old Nvidia cards like the gtx 750ti, 1050ti and weaker ones like gtx 1650 can run Spiderman 2 but the 580 can't. As a long time AMD customer it is extremely disappointing that we can't even play at 1080p low 30fps....


Cmon AMD you can't leave your fans and customers in a state like this. RX 580 is still good enough for another year. I thought you guys were trying to beat NVIDIA, well how are you going to do it if you don't care about your customer base and don't provide support to cards that can handle the game?

The game starts and even gets to the classroom cutscene where it crashes, so it's not like FF Rebirth where the game won't start at all. All it needs is a driver update to run Spiderman 2.


If there's no fix for this it might be time to move to Nvidia once for all. I don't want to buy another amd card and end up in a situation like this years later where the equivalent Nvidia cards work but Amd doesn't.

I completely agree with you, it's no longer fair when video cards that are much weaker than the rx570 and rx580 launch this game and can pull it at 30 fps when at the same time AMD users can only drool and cry at how their weak competitor can do what AMD can't do.But I really hope that AMD will see our dissatisfaction and do what we want because there are still enough graphics cards to play new games.