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PC Drivers & Software

Lost Central win 10 task bar in eyefinity triple monitors.

For everyone who has an eyefinity set of three monitors and wants to be able to just have the choice of the windows bar on the center monitor. Maybe they can help me. The problem of not being able to have the "central windows taskbar" anymore is a shame. How is it possible that good software that worked very well over three years ago, and that offered this important possibility of choosing the center monitor, got worse than before?
Thanks in advance.
1 Reply
Adept I

I have the same concern as you and no post to find a solution

I bought a 6900 xt and there I regret my purchase more and more

I am in triple screen because I play mainly in racing simulation, but the task bar on the 3 screens irritates me

On games like World of Tanks, all in-game information is moved to the far left and right of the screen and this forces me not to be able to play in triple screen