Hello all,
I am trying to install diablo 4 beta, but this message appear on the screen:
"Your graphics driver are out of date and do not meet the minimun requirements to run Diablo 4. Update and try again.
Current Version:
Minimun Versione: 21.5.2"
Any news about the update?
Thank you
Up 🙂
First this is an Apple Laptop with a AMD Professional GPU installed correct?
You will need to go to Apple Support to find out which Mac OS has updated drivers for your AMD Mobile GPU.
Unfortunately if you are not running Windows Boot camp the only way to update your AMD driver is by upgrading your Mac OS you have installed.
From my understanding Mac OS all comes with native built in AMD Drivers. So you will need to upgrade your MAC OS to see if the latest version updates the driver or not.
Found this Apple Thread where a User is asking about his Radeon Pro 575 support a certain game in 2021: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/252819711
Basically the reply is saying the same thing I mention before. You need to upgrade your Mac OS to find out if it has an updated AMD Driver for your GPU card.
NOTE: If you are running Windows Boot camp then try this Unofficial Windows Boot Camp website where the author converts the latest AMD drivers to work in a Boot Camp Apple computer: https://www.bootcampdrivers.com/
Here is that sites comparability Chart for the various AMD GPUs and which driver are compatible:
Thx, another question: for you, AMD will release the official drivers for bootcamp? My last drivers was dated november 21...
AMD doesn't give support for Apple PC. They will mention for you to open a Apple Support ticket to get help but they do publish Windows Boot Camp drivers.
Here are the latest AMD Windows Boot Camp drivers for various Mac PCs: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/apple-boot-camp
The link I posted in my previous reply concerning Unofficial Boot Camp AMD Drivers are generally always newer than the Official AMD Boot Camp drivers.
But for your specific GPU it mentions to use a previous driver from 02/2022 or older to be compatible.
But as you can see in AMD official Boot Camp they have a newer driver from 03.2022.