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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

I updated Ryzen 5 5600g drivers and my screen looks very ugly/pixalated/blurry/less detailed

Basically title, the screen looks very ugly, 1080p videos on youtube just don't look like they are 1080p, kinda less detailed, I tried to play ARK and everything is so strange, almost like a filter is turned on, making everything very grainy.

I'm using APU (Vega).

I tried:

Tried to tweak in the AMD software, change pixel format, radeon boost, etc

Tried to use DDU to reinstall the drivers

Tried the most recent drive

Tried an older drive (from the same month that I bought the CPU). I don't know if this was the exaclty driver i've used until yesterday because I was not the one who build the PC.

Nothing I tried worked


To be fair, the HDMI is bad since I started using it (probably sea air had corrode, so its naturally a bit more pixalated than VGA) but it was fine until 3 days ago, now its really pixalated. Even when i use DDU the monitor continues ugly, even without the GPU drivers... So, my monitor is the problem ?


I tried to update the BIOS and use a Linux USB Live, both not worked

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