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PC Drivers & Software

I tested Fluid Motion in VR @ 90hz with Euro Truck Simulator. It works great but i have a question.

Hello Guys, i have tested fluid motion in VR at 90hz and in seem to work. Thank you AMD thank you, the guy who make this work was a god, but i wish somehow that i can limit the real frames to 45 and let the fluid motion do the rest to 90hz. In SteamVR there is a option where you can limit the frames to half or quarter and if i limit it to 45 the fluid motion doesnt work in that way. if i limit the slider to 90fps like the refresh rate it seems to work another way than if i do set it to auto. I'm not quite sure whats better. But the best option would be if i can limit it to 45fps via SteamVR and use fluid motion to scale it to 90fps instead of using steamvr's motion reprojection. Fluid motion is waaaayyy better than whats steamvr offering. the one wish i had would be to limit the real frames to 45 and let the fluid motion scale it to the refresh rate. On other ways it seem to overwork itself...Could you AMD Geeks somehow made this possible? I tested it with a 7900 XTX and i can play it in most situation rather good @ 250% SuperSampling 3188x3540 per Eye Resolution.


EDIT: Some problems which i discovered is if i drive and look slighty left, the fluid motion holds 90fps but if i look slight right there are fps drops. and it's everytime so, first i thought it is because the geometry but i tested it longer and in seems to struggle. i reduced the target fps in the amd driver to 45fps that seem to work, while playing with fluid motion at 90hz but there are problems if i look to the right side in the game. i have also tested 144hz and limited the target fps to 48fps to see if the fluid motion can keep up but if look at the right on signs passing, they seem to lag, looking forward seems fast. On 90hz it looked overall faster. i'm not quite sure if the target fps limiter apply's also in vr.




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EDIT2: so i get it that the frame target limiter won't work on vr games. now i have a quest 2 running at 1.5x supersampling. and it works very good i always have 90fps exept there seem to be a bug where it starts laging the whole time until i go the game menu and press f11 to select the monitor view, i press again f11 to set it to the vr screen and that i have i again 90fps until i play 2-3 minutes until it starts again to lag all the time. every time i repeat this step it seems to fix it for short time. the amd driver reports 180fps in euro truck would be handy if i set the real frames in vr to 45 fps via steamvr or with another method and let the fluid motion do the rest. and this to max refresh rate of the vr screen 90hz for example. but fluid motion tries to hit the performance target to 180fps and then it starts after some time to lag.