I am trying to install the HP driver's but it doesn't work Cuz it only have AMD installer manager and HDMI audio driver!
So how to Download Official driver and why AMD not create R7 430 drivers Many users may help this ?
And yeah i install Scusses driver of AMD R7 430 but the question is this why AMD not make a Official one
thruogh this Direct download link From HP official 🙂
The reason why is that AMD long ago stopped supporting all Non-RX GPU cards including your GPU model.
I don't see any R7 430 GPU card. All R7 400 series GPU card Mobile GPU cards for laptops at AMD Download page.
According to TechPowerUp the R7 430 GPU card is a OEM GPU card which means that AMD doesn't support it with drivers specifically which is why it isn't listed at AMD Download page: https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-r7-430-oem.c2892
You must go to your R7 430 OEM Manufacturer for the latest driver.
You can try one of the R7 300 series AMD Drivers and see if it works in your HP laptop or not: https://www.amd.com/en/support/download/drivers.html
Note: Run GPU-Z to get the exact Make & Model of your GPU card.
LOL i know this But i need Official one AMD are Annoying user's Like Apple
I guess you don't know the meaning of "OEM".
Your OEM GPU Card was based and manufactured on AMD Graphic chips but it may have features that AMD drivers doesn't support fully installed by the OEM manufacturer.
Thus your OEM AMD GPU Card is not supported by AMD Drivers which is why you need to get drivers from the manufacturer of your GPU card which would be fully compatible with your OEM GPU Card.
So you won't find any "OFFICIAL AMD DRIVER" for your OEM GPU Card LoL.
Beside all the R5/R7/R9 Series GPU cards are not being supported by AMD and also not supporting your OEM AMD GPU Card.
The latest OEM GPU Cards are supported by AMD drivers unlike in the past.
NOTE: Your last reply was more annoying than any AMD users here or at Apple (-:
Plus your OP was very vague without any clarity or information about your laptop or Desktop PC. So don't expect any type of help with the little information you gave.
Lol, you do realise that this is an AMD community/user forum right? And stating that all AMD users are annoying like Apple users, shows more about yourself and doesnt inspire anyone to help you.
Let chalk it you to you being frustrated, just consider what you did is comparable to going to a match in a stadium, sitting in the opposing teams area and thinking that they will accept you if you call them names..
@elstaci hat off to you, not engaging a not so mature rant and still offering support. @Hammi people might ask you to test or confirm to get data about your issue. Even if you state you already did try.. its called trial-and-error troubleshooting. Every little change could give another outcome for the change you already made. Elstaci does know what he's talking about and trying to help you. You should consider yourself lucky.