Since your post is so vague without any computer information as per AMD Forum: INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION .
Maybe this previous thread at AMD Forum might help. This person found a way for the Wraith CPU Cooler RGB to work correctly:

mikey_au May 7, 2018 10:56 AM (in response to sup3r1or)
I recently bought the 2700X and Gigabyte X470 Ultra Gaming.
I also had these issues and this is what I've found from my testing.
-When the 4 pin connector on the Wraith Prism is connected to your RGB header on the motherboard, RGB Fusion will control and sync the Wraith Prism Fan LED, but NOT the outer ring LED or the AMD logo LED (these will always remain at default which is rainbow for the ring led and white for the AMD logo)
-When the Wraith Prism is connected to your motherboard using the USB header, the Coolermaster Wraith Prism Utility will have full control over all zones on the Wraith Prism including chase effects etc. But you will lose that SYNC functionality with RGB fusion.
Here's the thing though, if you've plugged in BOTH the 4-pin connector and the USB connector from the Wraith Prism to your motherboard, the Coolermaster Wraith Prism Utility will not take control. It defaults to the 4-pin mode and RGB Fusion overrides it (back to rainbow ring and white AMD logo only)
So best option at this stage for me anyway is to leave the 4-pin RGB connector off, connect only with the USB header and use the Coolermaster Wraith Prism utility for full RGB control on the Wraith Prism.
Hopefully Gigabyte updates their software to support the Wraith Prism better.