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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

HD 7970 Lightning BSOD after installing 18.12.2-18.12.3 drivers

Hello. I faced with a BSOD problem while was installing 18.12.2 (DDU+Clean Install)  drivers on my old but gold HD 7970 Lightning. Same problem with 18.12.3. Currenly using old Microsoft Drivers 25.20.14011.10001. They works fine buy i have some strange color artifacts while whatching videos (not space invaders, or pixels but some strange colorish shadows).

My PC is new.

r7 2700x

strix f x470 gaming (bios 4024)

Win 10 64 (1809, Language Russian+English)


Going to buy new graphics card after New Year hollidays

Before BSOD I was using 18.12.1. No crashes. Worked fine. Any help please?

7 Replies

No help but I ran into similar problems with 18.2.2 on Win 10  x64 1809. 18.12.1 had been running without problems but as soon as I installed 18.12.2 I initially had a couple of complete freezes requiring restart via the power button then a partial freeze (mouse pointer moved) but even CAD did not work, then multiple BSODs which finally blew away Win 10! I restored Win 10 to 1803 from an image backup and blocked the 1809 update for now, subsequently I have re-installed 18.12.2 and 18.12.3 all without problems. Not sure what happened but worried about 1809!!!!!

GPU is RX 460

Thanks for the answer. So it's not a problem with a hardware. Goog. Waiting for fix


Just some further info.

I have again allowed the 1809 update to install but this time with 18.12.3 already installed. The update took much much longer and did things it had not done on the previous attempt. So far everything is looking good, so beginning to think something got screwed up on the previous 1809 update.


Spoke too soon, freeze ups started again then BSODs (DPC Watchdog Violations) so went back to 1803 before it blew the system disk again.


This is some kind of madness for the end of the year. Radeon released like very very bad drivers. Nvidia - massivly dying rtx lineup. Wtf is going on?


Yes, 18.12.3 is also a problem on my HTPC, black screen on resume from sleep 75% of the time, went back to 18.10.1 which fixed it.

I did some research on the DPC Watchdog Violation BSODs on my Desktop PC and suggestions for fixing included updating SSD firmware (which I did) updating the ACHI driver (not necessary already latest) and disabling Windows Fast Start Up, I had enabled this about 3 months ago when I suddenly started having problems getting to the logon screen following a shutdown (without powering off at the wall) or restarts, just had rotating dots for ever, fast start up fixed it for shut downs. After the SSD update and Fast start up disable I have again updated to 1809 with 18.12.3 and so far everything is stable. Also no problems with the logon screen. I'm dubious but hopeful.


Thanks for that, interesting reading. After initially trying it out Fast Start up when I first installed Win 10 I found it to have zero advantage vs the normal boot time with an SSD and on the negative side the shutdown to power off was longer. I ran with it disabled up until I was forced to use it as a solution to the logon screen problem but was unaware of the potential very negative effects, particularly when updating. I'm more than happy to leave it disable now that the update to1809 seems to have fixed the logon screen problem.